Evil human reporting in!!


I got a real kick out of this film. It's so amazingly trashy as a movie and so hellbent on it's political persuasion that the makers disregard facts like we disregard the environment! I just feel like pointing a few out.

For starters:

- Hunters are not monsters, and they commonly know more about the care of the animals and the environments in which they hunt than the average layman does. Hunters are usually very respectful of their hunting environments.

- The only good human in this movie an androgynous soon to be lesbian kid with her head full of the usual politically slanted mush that our kids get in elementary school.

- Dams do not remove the water from an environment. They POOL the water, building up reservoirs, while continuing to feed a smaller amount of water into the usual stream. To make the assertion that the dam will stop all water flow is absolutely ignorant and insults our intelligence and real environmentalists everywhere.

- Why is the buffalo a Mexican? Is it because he has a gang?

- The insects removing the clothing of the humans was interesting to me. It's almost a psychological punch. The truth is, people are more afraid of losing their shirt than they are of destroying their environment, so this part of the movie actually made a twisted sense to me!

- Break the dam? REALLY? Since when has a broken dam EVER done anything good for the environment downstream? Sudden massive water flow can do excessive damage to any environment. Even a desert.

- The animals travel to New York, ostensibly to take part in the environmental conference, but really the movie made it look like an invasion. I just feel like pointing out that the U.S. is not responsible for the majority of environmental pollution anymore. China and India now make that claim I believe.

- And lastly, the feel good music at the end was nothing short of a CALL TO ARMS! Try listening to the lyrics. "We won't take no prisoners."

It's movies like these that give environmentalist efforts a bad name. In fact, I feel so insulted I actually want to go pollute something in protest.


Another evil human here. Sometimes you just gotta let go of your real-world issues and enjoy a movie for what it is. Nevertheless, I can't resist the temptation to reply to a few of your points.

- Hunters are not monsters, and they commonly know more about the care of the animals and the environments in which they hunt than the average layman does. Hunters are usually very respectful of their hunting environments.

But this particular hunter is the bad guy. That's the story, it does not attempt to portray all hunters as bad guys. Even so, a LOT of hunters ARE bad guys. We call them poachers. Even if you disagree on a semantic level, I fail to see what it has to do with the story. Just let it slide.

- The only good human in this movie an androgynous soon to be lesbian kid with her head full of the usual politically slanted mush that our kids get in elementary school.

Yeah, and what's wrong with that? I'd rather have a few slightly misdirected but enthusiastic kids that just needs a prod in the right direction than a bunch of lame-ass apathetic ones.

- Dams do not remove the water from an environment.
- Break the dam? REALLY?

Why don't you try to see the dam as a metaphor for everything that mankind has taken from nature and that nature is desperately trying to get back. Perhaps they could have done a better job, but for me, it's good enough for a children's animation movie.

- Why is the buffalo a Mexican? Is it because he has a gang?

Yeah, who knows? I can bet you though that your average young viewer won't make that connection, and even if he/she does, won't care.

- The animals travel to New York, ostensibly to take part in the environmental conference, but really the movie made it look like an invasion. I just feel like pointing out that the U.S. is not responsible for the majority of environmental pollution anymore. China and India now make that claim I believe.

I thought the ending was a little strange, but it was interesting to suddenly see birds flying everywhere around the city, whales swimming around and the animals roaming the streets. It drove the point home to me how separated human society has become from nature, and that in an ideal world, important decisions should be made with the well-being of all conscious beings in mind, as far as practically possible. New York remains one of the main symbols of the Western civilized world, in a movie made for a Western audience, so I thought it was a more fit choice than Beijing, for example.

- And lastly, the feel good music at the end was nothing short of a CALL TO ARMS! Try listening to the lyrics. "We won't take no prisoners."

For activism to be effective, sometimes you have to have the same frame of mind as a soldier, in the sense that failure is not an option.

- It's movies like these that give environmentalist efforts a bad name. In fact, I feel so insulted I actually want to go pollute something in protest.

Yeah... *pats*
