MovieChat Forums > Jackie (2016) Discussion > Who The Hell Killed JFK?

Who The Hell Killed JFK?

It was not Lee Harvey Oswald. It had to be an inside job. I believe that it was LJB and the CIA at had him killed, or the mafia, which Kennedy was taking down. He also fired many corrupt Texas generals and corrupt southern admirals after the whole "bay of pigs" issue.

He was also an advocate for black people and was fighting for their rights.

There are so many theories, but if you watch the video the first bullet that grazes his neck came from behind, the second one the kills him comes from up front. There was not one killer.

Its such a shame, imagine all that he would have done had he not been killed that day. He was standing up for RIGHT, wish ultimately was his death wish.

BTW all this "Jackie" talk is what made me think of him. I must see this movie as I hear Natalie Portman is breathtaking in the role.



I definitely think the CIA had something to do with it, for a number of reasons. They had a retribution motive, due to JFK getting rid of A. Dulles and other top CIA officials, and a desire to keep Vietnam going, among other things. Only the CIA or other intelligence agencies like the Office of Naval Intelligence would have been able to move Oswald like a pawn on a chessboard for the last 6 years of his life. If you haven't read these two books, I strongly recommend them: "JFK and the Unspeakable" and "Oswald and the CIA."


It was officially the CIA but rogue right-wing elements who hired the mafia to be the bagmen to carry out the deed.

It was the mob who rounded up LHO as the fall guy/patsy and also rounded up the other shooters who put the scope on Kennedy.


Will the CIA kill Donald Trump too? Just bringing it up because of the tension which seems to be developing.



It was Castro, he just confessed on his deathbed but the corrupt Trump media would not allow the truth to come out!

Just kidding, I used to think that there were conspiracies too, I read a book called JFK High Treason many years ago that pointed out too many loose ends or things that were not explainable, BUT I have seen some recent TV specials ( on 50th anniversary of assassination, where the whole of Dealy plaza was measured by laser and entered 3d into a computer model compared with Zapruder film. Based on that and the angle of the bullet height of the jump seat Gov Connelly was in the single bullet theory is not an impossibility. Also tests were done with ballistic gel and other tests that explain why his head flung backwards on the fatal shot. This has changed my mind about conspiracies. Oswald may have acted alone just for the notorias fame he would get. But, there are still things that make no sense. The major ones 1) he was a poor marksman based on his Marine records and that shot was very hard to do even for experts (maybe he got lucky or practiced alot after Marines) 2) why was limousine taken immediately to Detroit to be cleaned and repaired/restored. This is a very big part of forensic evidence yet they did not analyze it at all? If there were more than 3 shots the car would likely have shown this, but it was not available for examination during the Waren report.

These are just 2 of the biggest mysteries that I have a hard time understanding if Oswald acted alone and there is no conspiracy. Just my thoughts on the matter.


Take this how you will:

This year I actually read that some new agency.. Time, The Dallas papers maybe, I don't remember, don't quote me.. they let a reporter see Oswald's diary and it was very much pointed to his distain for Connally and that JFK was collateral damage.

It was a hit list of sorts, but Jacks name was nowhere on it.


lol. There would be a million easier ways to kill Connally.


I saw this special as well and it made my mind up.
Here's a link to this show...a most interesting 45min.


It was Oswald, and Oswald alone. /thread


LOL right.

I used to think LBJ was in on it but after reading this, I don't think so:

It was standard practice for the plane to take off as soon as the commander-in-chief was onboard. Even after McHugh had ordered the pilot to take off, however, “nothing happened.” According to the newly declassified transcript, Mrs. Kennedy was becoming desperate to leave. “Mrs. Kennedy was getting very warm, she had blood all over her hat, her coat...his brains were sticking on her hat. It was dreadful,” McHugh said. She pleaded with him to get the plane off the ground. “Please, let’s leave,” she said. McHugh jumped up and used the phone near the rear compartment to call Captain James Swindal. “Let’s leave,” he said. Swindal responded: “I can’t do it. I have orders to wait.” Not wanting to make a scene in front of Mrs. Kennedy, McHugh rushed to the front of the plane. “Swindal, what on earth is going on?” The pilot told him that “the President wants to remain in this area.”

McHugh, like most members of the Kennedy entourage, did not know that Johnson was onboard. They believed that the new president was on his own plane flying back to Washington. If LBJ was on the plane, McHugh wanted to see for himself. Since he had not seen Johnson in the aisle — and at 6’4” Johnson would be tough to miss — McHugh assumed that he must then be in the bedroom. When he checked there Johnson was nowhere to be seen. The only place on the plane he had not inspected was the bathroom in the presidential bedroom.

What McHugh claimed to have witnessed next was shocking. “I walked in the toilet, in the powder room, and there he was hiding, with the curtain closed,” McHugh recalled. He claimed that LBJ was crying, “They’re going to get us all. It’s a plot. It’s a plot. It’s going to get us all.’” According to the General, Johnson “was hysterical, sitting down on the john there alone in this thing.”

I soon discovered that McHugh had told a similar story when he spoke by phone with Mark Flanagan, an investigator with the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA). Ironically, McHugh gave the interview to the HSCA a week before he sat down with the Kennedy Library in May 1978. “McHugh had encountered difficulty in locating Johnson but finally discovered him alone,” Flanagan wrote in his summary to the Committee. Quoting McHugh, the investigator noted that the General found Johnson “hiding in the toilet in the bedroom compartment and muttering, ‘Conspiracy, conspiracy, they’re after all of us.’”

Author Christopher Anderson claimed that McHugh shared a similar, although slightly more dramatic, version of this story when he interviewed the General for his book Jackie after Jack, published in 1998.


Supposedly Johnson did the same damn thing, becoming hysterical and screaming that they're going to get us all, in the motorcade when shots were first fired, so if he was in on it he put on one hell of a great act.


Of course it was the CIA and the oil fatcats of Dallas. That's also what LBJ told his mistress five weeks after the assassination.

Here's a 2000 interview with her, just two years before she died. It runs about 82 minutes, and is one of the most important historical documents ever -- but don't expect to ever see it in the mainstream media:

And the OP in this thread provides a useful overview:

It was Oswald, and Oswald alone. /thread

Duke doesn't know much about the topic. And has previously asserted that the government "has never and will never" do something like this to their commander in chief. And then Duke claims to have completed the thread in so asserting.

Sad, really.


This is 1 of those "ask 10 people and get 10 different answers" sort of things.....

The most likely scenario I've ever heard is that 1) the mafia was most definitely involved. There's little debate on that. Jack Ruby was a low-rent "low to mid level" Jewish "mob associate" of the Dallas branch of the Chicago Outfit. Obviously when he killed Oswald it was to both shut LHO up and also to pay a debt that was called in by the Italian Dallas mob boss(es) that Ruby worked for.

This is where it gets murky.

My great-aunt in the 1960s ran a bookie joint and was a madam(or so I'm told) at a whorehouse/bordello run by New Orleans crime boss Carlos Marcella. It was run by one of Marcella's captains/capos named "Sam Domino" -- per my late aunt. This was on Poydras Street in New Orleans.

The general consensus with most JFK researchers is that New Orleans mob boss Carlos Marcella HAD SOMETHING to do with JFK's assassination and something to do with rounding up Oswald and/or cleaning up after him. This was done in connection with the Dallas Outfit under the authority of the Chicago Outfit. Marcella rounded up LHO and "the Umbrella Man" and probably "others unknown" as FBI lingo goes to describe other unknown conspirators to do the actual operation.

Now -- there are 2 theories as to what the mob was acting on. 1 was that RFK/JFK was using the DOJ to go down hard on the Italian mafia. This supposedly was in retaliation for the "guinea mob" muscling out the Kennedy's Irish mafia relatives in Boston during the Prohibition Era.....

Marcella wacked JFK either 1) for this insult or:

2) there's circumstantial but very strong evidence that rogue, right-wing members/elements of the CIA who were also involved in rounding up mob enforcers to kill Castro were involved in the assassination.

The general consensus is that these "rogue, right-wing elements" of the CIA wacked JFK both in retaliation for his botching of Bay of Pigs and also because they viewed him as a weak threat given that the Soviets had placed missiles 100 miles from the Mainland and Kennedy had not even noticed until it was already done.

They wacked him hoping President Johnson would be better.

Considering JFK was killed in Texas -- Johnson's home state and power base where he was basically a kind of political king with lots of connections to various people its VERY possible LBJ was in on it.

Jackie O thought that LBJ had something to do with her husbands' death:

.....but considering that a general found LBJ in the bathroom on Air Force One crying like a little b-tch saying "ITS A CONSPIRACY! THEY'RE GONNA GET US ALL!" I dont' think he had anything to do with it: probably rogue elements of CIA -- right wing elements at that -- who saw JFK as a paper tiger to borrow Mao's phrase and wacked him because they felt the security of the country was at stake with JFK in office and with LBJ they had a better chance at standing up to the Soviets.

The mafia and Marcella/Ruby/Dallas/Chicago Outfit characters were just "the bagmen" who, how shall I say it "rounded up the patsy nut" Oswald and the other shooters/"Umbrella Man" to actually do the deed.

The Chicago Outfit had ties to right-wing elements of the CIA because the CIA used them as bagmen to kill Castro and carry out assassination attempts in Cuba.

The mob didn't originate the plan but given the Kennedy brothers had such a hard on with sicking the DOJ on the Italian mob -- they probably went along with the plan because it made business easier.


LBJ melting down doesn't rule out that he was in on the plot. To the end of his life, he was still muttering (off the record, of course) that it was conspiracy to certain people. Very likely he was in on it but, knowing how this kind of ruthless power worked, also believed that he could wind up a target as well, despite having assissted them against Kennedy.

As the new king, it's a reasonable paranoia after you've helped kill the previous king that you may be next in line for extermination. They were, after all, killing people left and right long after the assassination occurred.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


Man, you really have the wool pulled down way over your eyes.

Did you know that the Holocaust took place? The Earth is round? The Lunar landing wasn't done on a Hollywood set under the supervision of Stanley Kubrick? Elvis Presley died on August 16th 1977? Barack Obama was born in the United States and not Kenya? Sandy Hook was not a hoax?



Did you know that the Holocaust took place? The Earth is round? The Lunar landing wasn't done on a Hollywood set under the supervision of Stanley Kubrick? Elvis Presley died on August 16th 1977? Barack Obama was born in the United States and not Kenya? Sandy Hook was not a hoax?

Duke, those are all different topics, most of which are silly pseudo-conspiracy theory things.

They have nothing to do with JFK's murder. Please learn something about the topic.

But then you said on another thread that the federal government "has never and will never" commit this kind of treasonous act against a president. So you have a predetermined opinion and you admit to that. And that has nothing to do with substance.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


They are all in the exact same boat of being untrue and impossible.

I can't predict the future, but there has never been any sufficient evidence whatsoever to corroborate a Coup d'état in '63.

And I almost forgot: Was O.J. Simpson wrongfully framed by the LAPD and the true killer(s) are still among us? Maybe it was actually Bigfoot with abnormally small feet who wore the ugly-ass Size 12 Bruno Maglis?


They are all in the exact same boat of being untrue and impossible.

I can't predict the future, but there has never been any sufficient evidence whatsoever to corroborate a Coup d'état in '63.

And I almost forgot: Was O.J. Simpson wrongfully framed by the LAPD and the true killer(s) are still among us? Maybe it was actually Bigfoot with abnormally small feet who wore the ugly-ass Size 12 Bruno Maglis?

They are all completely different topics. And your smuggy use of this argument proves yet again that you have no insight at all on the subject of the assassination.

Besides, you also said:

"...our government isn't perfect by any means, its overall functions are vital and, moreover, it has never, would never, and will never have any involvement at all in orchestrating a hit against its own leader."

And that says it right there -- that's all your opinion is really based on: a desire to believe the gov't would never consider such an act (and yet JFK's death is the only topic you post on across IMDb!)



Bottom line is that I know *beep* when I see *beep*

You wouldn't be able to detect *beep* if it came out of a bull's ass and landed on your face.


But Duke, you've said: "...our government isn't perfect by any means, its overall functions are vital and, moreover, it has never, would never, and will never have any involvement at all in orchestrating a hit against its own leader."

That's what your "expertise" on the assassination is based on -- naive, simplistic, wishful thinking about what our government "would" or "wouldn't ever" do!

And given the fact that the JFK murder is the only thing you ever post about across all of IMDb, one has to wonder if you're a Langely shill. But if you are, there are way cleverer ones wandering about.

Bottom line is that I know *beep* when I see *beep*

You wouldn't be able to detect *beep* if it came out of a bull's ass and landed on your face.

You fall apart so easily, Duke.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


I'm starting to buy in to the accidental gun discharge theory from the Secret Service Agent riding in the car behind JFK.


No one takes that hybrid Secret-Service-did-it-by-accident theory seriously and shouldn't.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


You are in no position to be making that call. Friendly fire is equally if not more feasible than your version of the events.


Oh, Duke. Stop pretending to be the adult in the room. Again. You don't even know the material.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


This has nothing to do with adulthood. Even a developmentally-challenged five-year-old could see that you are out of touch with reality.

And I know the material quite well.

The material you "know" is the WRONG material.


This has nothing to do with adulthood. Even a developmentally-challenged five-year-old could see that you are out of touch with reality.

And I know the material quite well.

The material you "know" is the WRONG material.

I don't think five years old are studying the assassination, do you?

And as far as you "knowing the material quite well" (and anyone who doesn't agree supposedly "knowing the WRONG material") Duke, you've said: "...our government isn't perfect by any means, its overall functions are vital and, moreover, it has never, would never, and will never have any involvement at all in orchestrating a hit against its own leader."

That's what your "expertise" on the assassination is based on -- naive, simplistic, wishful thinking about what our government "would" or "wouldn't ever" do!

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


Lee Harvey Oswald shot him twice with a mail order Carcano 6.5×52mm.

Any other $#!t you want to whip up is for your own amusement.

Sometimes the simplest, most obvious answers, happen to be the truth.

You want to know how many alien corpses are frozen at Roswell?


You want to know whats going on at that pizza place they claim is the
hideaway of Hillarys pedophile ring?

Theres nothing going on, they make pizza's there.

This is why the worlds a dangerous place.

Paranoia and religion.

Now lets go get some snacks!


Pffft, my suspension of disbelief has higher standards than that.


Lee Harvey Oswald shot him twice with a mail order Carcano 6.5×52mm.

Any other $#!t you want to whip up is for your own amusement.

Sometimes the simplest, most obvious answers, happen to be the truth.

How intellectually lazy. And, by the way, there's nothing "simple" or "obvious" about the LoneNut theory -- it requires ignoring all the objective evidence.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


Lee Harvey Oswald shot him twice with a mail order Carcano 6.5×52mm.

Any other $#!t you want to whip up is for your own amusement.

lol yeah right. And they just happened to lose a dead president's brain. Oops. Sold it on ebay.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


I read the mob was behind it. The mafia - Chicago mafia in particular - helped get JFK elected. But as attorney general Bobby Kennedy came down hard on the mafia and the Kennedys thought the mafia was just going to take it. It was Bobby the mafia were mad at but it was his brother who had the power so he was the one who had to go.


Everyone knows it was a suicide.
