MovieChat Forums > Jackie (2016) Discussion > I Don't Know If Natalie Gave A Good Perf...

I Don't Know If Natalie Gave A Good Performance Because....

The screenplay was so bad it distracted me from the rest of the movie. I was not expecting total accuracy, but whole scenes were made up (big scenes), and Jackie was given a whole different temperment than I had ever read before. Just a bad, bad movie.


I'm ten minutes into it. I feel like this role is out of her range. Like when DiCaprio did Hoover.


I found myself getting very angry at this movie. I thought it was false and indulgent in many ways. Plus I think her performance is overrated. I'm not saying she didn't do a good job but I couldn't forget for one moment that I was watching Natalie Portman imitate Jackie Kennedy. (Felt the same way about DiCaprio/Hoover, too.)


Jackie deliberately created her own persona, so there was always something a little false, however eye-catching she was, and it would take a great actress to recreate that and not look false doing it. Portman isn't that actress.

I feel the same way about DeCaprio's Hoover too - I never believed him.


I'm not saying she didn't do a good job but I couldn't forget for one moment that I was watching Natalie Portman imitate Jackie Kennedy. -

Agreed. I felt the same way.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


Natalie Portman was awful in the role, and her attempt at Jackie's accent unintentionally hilarious. Yes the script was awful.


She did an impression of Jackie, mostly via her voice, and not a very good impression. NOt the same as acting.


Oh, she's terrible, acting with a capital A rather than inhabiting a character. And all the merciless close-ups are just exposing her deficiencies.

The whole performance is miscalculated, she's trying to be stiff and reserved and then unbend at dramatic moments, but the stiffness seems like the stiffness of an actress who's putting all her efforts into her accents, not poise or reserve.
