Student Project?

There's not much good I can say about this movie. My husband brought it home hoping it was a gem I missed and would enjoy.

I do enjoy 'intelligent' and 'psychologically thrilling' horror and suspense. This was neither intelligent or thrilling. However, it was disturbingly psychotic if that's your thing. I guess it's possible to give it points for looking raw and not at all professional. However, I've watched home movies that entertained me better.

There seemed to be no real script. All the way through it felt as though it was being put together on the spot most of the time. Some of the acting had potential, but overall it felt like students making their first movie. That could hardly be an 'excuse' though, as I've seen some exceptional student made movies.

Characterization was pretty poor also. There were only hints as to each one's background, but little time was used to give you a better understanding of the 'people' the actors are portraying. Was there even a director? It says there was in the credits, but I have to wonder if there was any 'directing'.

I am also wondering about the editing. Perhaps the editor didn't have a script to work with? There is so much more that could have been done! HELLLOOO you who created this!.... Why did you spend three-quarters of the movie on drivel?

I can't even give it points for style. It's shaky camera style imitates the 'Blair Witch Project' POORLY. Besides that, silly and inane things were also filmed in a way that made me feel it was students trying to make their movie assignment long enough!

About the only things that make this movie partially presentable, are it makes good use of natural settings; and Ila Schactler, who plays Kayla, played her part very convincingly.

My recommendation: Give this one a miss. If you have bought it (not rented), I've heard DVD's can make good coasters!


Thank you for the review, I was about to watch this on Netflix but wasn't quite sure about it yet. Sounds like you saved me valuable time

"Hey Shuya, I got a crush on someone"
