MovieChat Forums > Million Dollar Decorators Discussion > Are these people necessary?

Are these people necessary?

I actually generally like the people on this show, I just wonder if what they do is necessary. Apart from the couple that designed the restaurant (I believe it makes sense to hire people to professionally design your business to serve a theme). Aren't most of these people just getting paid by rich, famous friends to do what most people do for free? I'm thinking specifically about Martyn, who doesn't seem to have really good taste, he's just friends with a lot of celebrities. It doesn't seem like his "job" is much different than what my mom and her friends do when they go antique shopping together.



I thought it was hilarious when Martyn said that the items they bring back from Europe have a *small mark up* you just know that they have like a 400% mark up. That's the beauty of designing for celebrities....just tell them that some piece of salvage junk is an *antique* from Paris or London and they will happily pony up thousands of $$$ to impress their acquaintances that they have *taste*. That design business is a great racket!


Yeah but it involves a certain amount of skill which your mom must have, and lots of people have. Most normal people could do it because there are actually things in life which they desire, and that inspires them to pay attention to nice things... But when you are celebrity who is absolutely stinking rich, and a shallow, soulless dead inside husk of a person who tries to eke out little moments of pleasure by spending lots of money on faaaaaabulous things, then this is a match made in heaven.

Most of them just don't have the taste to buy nice things, nor the brains or the gumption to think of picking up some kind of good homes magazine and using that for ideas. They also take themselves so seriously that they need to know that what they have is unique and original and faaaabulous, and not inspired by what is in a common persons magazine. So they can invite their shallow celebrity friends around for dinner (which someone else cooked) and listen to them all talk about how faaaabulous the home is, and they feel secure in the knowledge that none of them have seen it anything anywhere else, because that would be oh such a tragedy!

But hey they have enough money so they can afford to be like that. They just use the OH DAAAAHLING I AM SO BUSY! excuse and just pay people to do everything for them. They are so used to living pampered existences, they never cook, iron, clean, decorate, or do anything for themselves.

I actually feel sorry for a lot of super rich people like that, because they have all that money but don't seem grounded enough people to actually get any enjoyment out of it. The people who I envy are the rich people who spend all their time doing enjoyable things. Maybe it's just me, but having your private plane take your from pre-furnished home to pre-furnished home, must be a lot less satisfying than actually going shopping yourself and seeing gorgeous furniture and paintings and opulent leather couches and stuff, and just buying everything that you like and not having to worry about the huge bill... And then go and shop around for your dream car, a Porsche, a Ferrari, a Bentley or a Merc, whatever suits you and you would love being in. Buy it and then when you have to go somewhere, drive it yourself and appreciate the comfort and safety and speed and how amazing it is, and think back to your crappy rusty old first car, etc.. The people who do stuff like that must be so happy.

I could probably sell this advice to these million dollar decorator people for a few million! But then I don't speak 'fabulous', and they would see my scruffy clothes and think I'm about to rob them and die of a heart attack.
