Kathyrn Ireland

Wow, that woman sure is a character. She is an alright decorator with a horrible personal sense of style, and I'm pretty sure the only reason she shows off so much cleavage is to distract attention away from that giant thing in the middle of her face. She looks so frumpy and messy all the time! Why do people hire this woman? I would never let this woman decorate my $1,000,000+ home when she can't even put herself together.


She reminds me of an old granny with her dentures out. She also looks like she belongs on one of those "don't do meth" posters or you'll end up looking like her - blah.


I kind of like her "frumpiness". It makes her human (at least appear human). But I was just watching the episode that has her ex-boyfriend in it. He looks nicely 40-ish, while, without makeup, she looks like she's pushing 60.

She wears makeup really well and it makes he look younger, but without it, like the other poster said, she looks like a former addict or something. Especially around the mouth where the wrinkles are emphasized and she speaks like she's missing dentures. She's not aging well at all.

And that cleavage, sorry, someone needs to remind her boobs sink with age and she needs a better bra.

“If they let Jack do it his way the show would be just 12” – snorgtees.com


I agree with liking her dowdiness, she seems more approachable. Ex-boyfriend, I'd hit that. I really like her own home and her closet.Plus her french maid is super stylin'. Love her housekeeper and I love her old-fashioned hair/uniform sher wears.
