MovieChat Forums > Raising Hope (2010) Discussion > This show desparately needs a theme song...

This show desparately needs a theme song.

A lot of shows simply have catchy jingles, like two and a half men "men" for example, but that's not enough for Raising Hope. The reason being is that the show is not complicated but the back story behind their interactions is extremely complicated. I've seen about seven episodes of the show, half watching the eight now, and I had no idea what was going on the first four episodes. Then I had a theory and it was way off. By the seventh episode, the only reason I ever had an inkling as to what the show was about is that there was a two minute intro where they explained it to the grandmother. If they could bring this show back for even a twelve episode or even six episode season, or two six episode seasons, with a strong theme song that is super catchy and super lavish so that all the people that watch it on FX or FXX or Fox for those six to twelve episodes (even a half season to make it to a 100 episodes) the load to understand the show going forward for all the people that catch these episodes is much less extreme. Because it is not a complicated show and I am too old to watch TV, especially with no job or set schedule, to watch that many episodes, but if I just missed those two minutes and didn't check IMDB, it has a great lead on FXX for morning TV (really happy that Ang Management has a solid time and a least a good portion of rotating on demand episodes, people have a chance to watch it or at least DVD) and without that two minutes of that one episode, you're just coming up with theories... and they had a musical episode so they can do it... and even if you just brought it back for a season it would be as good as Always Sunny at least by the portion of the cost, but for example two six episode seasons, with a real lavish theme song you know they can do, real catchy, even two minutes, and then just make the episode shorter, and then going forward, everyone that watched it knew what it was about, it's a steal for the added syndication potential. The show is doing interesting things and I'll watch an episode here or there like for example king of queens but that is just about a married couple and they have only a handful of friends and family so it is relatively easy for him to be kingly, easy to understand... even kevin can wait, I don't watch it that much but a couple episodes, he's a retired cop and a stay at home dad because in time those are wiser better decisions... who cares if it's the easy way out if easy is better? I can watch it every once in a while but the concept it's relatively easy to transmit and you could wait seven episodes to get it because it will come smoothly...

There is no way people without online support can easily and readily understand the backstory behind this show, and that's the only reason it's hard to understand. To bring it back on the cheap and fix it, it's a steal. But then bring it back with a catchy theme song summary or it's not worth it.


The show does have a theme/ intro that explains the premise in a picture book style.


Hey thanks. I see what you're saying. But obviously it's not there all seasons and I just started checking out a couple episodes... and there's things about this TV show like, certain qualities. But I had no idea what was going on.

For example I thought the woman's husband may have been ten years younger than the character he was portraying, and the younger looking (to be a grandmother) GM had married a younger man and had a child right towards the end of her fertility... four episodes in, that was my working theory. And for the first few episodes, the father could have been a high school kid for TV.... I had no idea what the concept even was, and then they kind of explained it at the beginning of an episode in such a manner that no one is going to be able to figure it out in a reasonable time...

but I guess by the time they took out the explanation it may have been well established...


Are you sure you're watching the same show? In the first five minutes of the pilot episode it's explained that the main character works for his father and lives at home with his parents and great "maw maw" grandmother. And his cousin, who is only around for a few episodes. The next five minutes of the pilot explains the baby.

The theme song was played throughout the first season and shortened once the storyline was established.

I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.


I'm quite certain you didn't start with season one
