Love Interests

It's been a while since I saw this but I just now realised, the girls are the boys love interests even though in the 2nd movie they were adopted by Dave, so wouldn't that make them all brother and sisters???

...Then again it's a fake movie about animals...


I think it's established that they aren't supposed to be Dave's "daughters". Throughout the movie, he only acknowledges the male chipmunks as his kids. For instance, he referred to Theodore as "my SON" and Alvin later referred to Dave as "my DAD".

tRuE sTAR LeGEnd


Even though Dave adopted Jeanette Eleanor and Brittany but why is that Dave never called them his daughter.


Dave is the Chipettes' guardian, not like with the Chipmunks where he's they're adoptive father. I think this was even stated somewhere in the movie. I believe one of the Chipettes says to one of the Chipmunks "He's your father." Even in the old cartoon it was stated several times that Dave is only the Chipmunks' father.
