
I thought this film had echoes of Shakespeare in it. In plot and character, although not in dialogue, anyway. Hennessy reminded me somewhat of a Lear-like figure: this once-terrifying warrior king of the IRA now struggling to hold together a political legacy. His wife got a bit Lady Macbethish a couple of times. The politics, the sexual liaisons, the vengeance, all of it was played at such a high-stakes level - I don't think we see enough of that.

I was worried, going into this, that it would be a rather obtuse action movie, cool and slick without depth. But what I found was an excellent political thriller with a lot of interweaving plot angles.


I just watched this. I think you make a good point.


Thanks; I'm glad somebody else is picking up on the vibe.



It reminded me of a classic Greek play where different pieces are moving on the board, each with their own distinct motivations.

I love that a lot of it plays out without huge blockbuster chase scenes or massive explosions going off every 10 minutes *cough*Transformers*cough*.

I went into this film with the exact same expectations as yourself, but was thoroughly taken aback by how layered and nuanced the film was. The runtime was well worth the watch, and the way the plot and each character's intentions unfold was unique in today's sea of celluloid dross.

The trailer didn't do the movie half the justice it deserved, but I'm glad I took the time to watch it. Ironically enough, I did pass it over during its initial theatrical run because I thought it was just another over-the-hill, action spot-fest, but took an interest years later after listening to Clint Mansell's soundtrack suite, which sounded far more intriguing than what a typical action film is fitted with.


It was such a pleasant surprise, and yes, very classical in its machinations. That's what I loved about it the most was that it had so many moving pieces. It was an action-drama, which we almost never see.
