
For one who likes these sorts of technical movies (I do), this is a gripping, spellbinding movie. The acting is superb by ALL throughout. Never a group of grimy, greedy guys has there ever been, no doubt. Sheesh....a harsh, cruel world those guys operate in. Barely human. All about money and nothing else. Until the end.

HIGHLY recommend this.

Watch it as a flip side to The Big Short, is a view of the crises from a different angle. Equally gripping with superb acting by all. Possibly even better. Certainly explains the problem better than Margin Call, although in Margin Call the details of the securities don't really matter. It's what the people DO that is the important thing.

Watching both of these gives us a good picture of what went down.

Is Kevin Spacey one of the best actors ever? I think so!


Not a Kevin Spacey fan here. But I did really enjoy 'The Big Short.' I thought it did a much better job of explaining the subprime crisis than anything else I have seen. Best of all, I appreciated the reference to the people who were really hurt the most by the financial disaster - the ordinary guy (who becomes homeless when his rent has been going to a landlord who got a subprime mortgage).


I like this movie so much I watch it, or big parts of it, on cable over-and-over again. The acting is just superb, as is the dialogue. The imminent train wreck is described and those in the know 12 hours early work all night to develop a plan to survive the crash by destroying everyone around them, all the while justifying why they will/are doing it...and setting up scapegoats in their own company for a fall...but with varying shades of gold parachutes. Its a wonderful crisis movie.

So many great scenes, exchanges, and lines.


"It's a wonderful crisis movie."

It's one of my favorite horror movies of all time.


spacey has, of course since this post was made, been disgraced & drummed out of the film corps.

but he nevertheless is a hell of an actor. he mainly does it from a limited range, but that range works in a lot of situations, for some intangible reason i think associated with radiating a keen intelligence.

james spader has that quality, as well.
