not bad but for 2 issues

This actually wasn't too bad for a SyFy movie, and I love sci-fi, post apocalyptic scenarios, so I'm no stranger to suspension of disbelief and all that...however...

There be Spoilers here:

I find it extremely hard to believe that out of all those people, only ONE could read?? That doesn't make much sense, especially if you grew up near a huge library. I mean language is a lot like code, if you study it long enough (and have some intelligence) you can figure it out. Not to mention I'm sure you could probably find the basics like "Dick & Jane" in a library lol

And why did it only take days for the 3 young and healthy looking people who left their tribe to begin to have such a completely accelerated effect of the plague? Those elders in their tribe had obviously been alive for a long time before they started to suffer & turn into those mutants from it. Maybe I missed something...but I don't think so...
