MovieChat Forums > Avalon High (2010) Discussion > Allie and Jenny (spoiler)

Allie and Jenny (spoiler)

Ok so this movie was beyond messed up in comparison to meg cabots book. I actually like the idea that Allie was 'king arthur' however i think it would have been better if jenny and allie had a relationship in the movie or at the very least a hinted crush. that way this movie would have had the whole lance, Guinevere and Arthur triangle...and disney would finally have a movie with a lesbian relationship. anyone agree?


I agree, by not having even a hint of a crush the story makes no sense.


I don't think Disney would ever have such a risque plot line.

Not that I'm saying that I disagree with you though since I do since that would have made the movie make a whole lot more sense, but I can never see Disney doing something like that for the simple fact that there would probably be a huge out lash against it since there are people in this world who are against so much as an implication of a same gender relationship in movies/TV shows especially on a channel that is meant for children and young adults.

"Love isn't about finding the perfect person... it's about seeing an imperfect person...perfectly."
