MovieChat Forums > Avalon High (2010) Discussion > What was up with the ending????

What was up with the ending????

I'll admit, all together it was a pretty good movie but as a person who has read the book, and really really liked it, what the heck was up with the ending??? If Allie was King Arthur and Mr. Moore was Mordred, that would make Mr. Moore Allie's half-brother, I mean... What the heck??? Is anyone else completely confused by this? And then also, there was no love triangle between Allie and anyone else, only from Jennifer and Lance and Will. It makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever. Ok, I could understand it a bit better if Jennifer and Allie were best friends and Allie was going out with Will behind Jennifer's back but even that wouldn't make much sense....



I agree. I actually loved the movie up until the end. I didn't even mind that they added Miles, I thought he was a pretty good character, although I knew that would probably mean something was going to change with Mr. Moore (from the book, I mean). But yeah... because they made Allie into Arthur, you're completely right, it messed all the dynamics up. Like a poster on another thread said, I'm all for girl power, but not at the expense of a good story.


Agreed. Even if there was a sequel, Mr. Moore could not turn out to somehow be Allie's half brother, because he's as old as her parents---unless she's adopted---hmmm.
Anyway, Mordred is traditionally Arthur's illegitimate son, not his brother, but I guess Disney couldn't handle that.
By the way, I guessed he was Mordred as soon as I saw him walking with the cane, because Mordred in some versions had a club foot, and "Moore-Mordred"--not too hard to figure out.


Well actually Mordred isn't always his son. In some legends he's sorta interchangeable with Morgan Le Fey or Morgause, both of whom are often his half sibling although not always, so there are versions where he's his brother. That's also what it was in the book so Disney just kept that. =]


Wikipedia does not refer to any version of the legend where Mordred is Arthur's brother or half-brother.
Morgan le Fey, the sorceress, and Morgause are usually Arthur's half-sisters, and one of them is traditionally the mother of Mordred, and Arthur is the father.
There are some other different versions of the origin of Mordred , but in none of them is he Arthur's brother that I could find.

reply is wikipedia haha =D

I have to admit that online i couldn't find much on the versions where Mordred is his half-brother but I know I have read about it while doing a school project, so if you're really interested i would recommend checking out some books on the subject =] i can assure you that its out there somewhere. meg cabot didn't make that bit up ;-) and it was much more convenient to use the brothers version in a retelling where they are all supposed to be in high school as opposed to his son. that could have gotten complicated haha


I did a LotR literature for high school and they had a whole chapter study guide about the Arthur Legends and they said that Arthur was Mordred's uncle

Half-Blood Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam and Gryffindor 7th year


It's true that Arthur was Mordred's uncle, since Mordred was the son of Arthur's half sister. However, later versions also made Arthur the father-- although at the time Mordred was conceived, Arthur didn't know that the woman (Morgan Le Fey) was his sister. His incestuous birth is supposedly what made Mordred so twisted and evil.
