At least they tried

That's all I can really say about this. They gave it a good solid effort, but in the end the result was cheesy and predictable. It was entertaining and i think that younger viewers would enjoy it. I'm sure Arthur buffs would have issues with it though. They tried throwing the audience off the scent, but c'mon...(don't know if I have the movie spelling correct or not)her name is Allie Pennington. Could it be anymore obvious?!


I don't know if you've read the Meg Cabot book, but IMMEDIATELY I knew something was up because her name is supposed to be Ellie.

I agree, though. It wasn't horrible. It just could have been better.


I've never understood film makers need to completely change a story. The reason people want to see a film based on a book is because they liked the book and want to see it come to life. I don't think anyone who read the Harry Potter books thought, "oh they should totally change up the story for the movie so we don't know what's going to happen." People were just glad to see that world come to life.


I am shocked that not a single person on set while filming was able to get the director's ear for a moment to suggest that a running coach be brought in to teach Brittany how to run. ...At least they tried?


I am shocked that not a single person on set while filming was able to get the director's ear for a moment to suggest that a running coach be brought in to teach Brittany how to run. ...At least they tried? --I think she looked grrrrrreeeeaaaat in armor and pulled off wielding a sword nicely. :-)
