MovieChat Forums > Kon-Tiki (2013) Discussion > who are giving these low score?

who are giving these low score?

just saw the movie here in norway and i loved it! now trust me im not biased towards this film because im norwegian i usually dislike norwegian film, but this really was great. however why are so many people giving these low scores? is it people who havnt seen the movie and are trolling or did they just hate the film? could someone please explain what they hated about it?



My guess would be trolling.

My feelings towards norwegian film is quite like yours, and I personally make a point of avoiding norwegian movie, because I've almost exclusively found them very bad, but Kon-Tiki was truly a great movie in my opinion.


Because it sucks, its that simple. Enjoy life


Because it's awful like most norwegian movies....



This is my humble oppinion

technically it was quite proficient, especially if you take into account the rather low budget it had compared to Hollywood movies about the same type of subject.

But the direction and script where horrible. The directors basically took something that wold be a very interesting character driven story about a couple of in experienced men, ignoring everyones warnings, going against everyone and actually succeeding in doing the impossible, they must have fared for their lives at some point, how did Heyerdahl keep the moral up?

But instead they made a plot driven cheese fest with sharks sharks sharks and an annoying fat German and three other anonymous guys, and Heyerdahl.

The story in itself is amazing, so sad they had to make it into a pompous wide angle schlock fest. The guy designing the shark must be happy though, bet that model got reused like 600 times. A missed opportunity


Yeah on closer concideration im kind of agreeing myself, comming out of the film i loved it, but the more i think about the more i realized it lacked in character etc


its awful. like most norwegian films. They just get high scoresbecause of patriotic norwegians who doesn't know the difference between great and *beep* films.

This movie was pure fiction


The ridiculously high score on both this movie and Max Manus goes to show that the average Norwegian moviegoer aren't any smarter than the average american one, even though they like to think so themselves.


This movie sucked. If your gonna make something based on a true story, at least respect it enough to make it believable.. Was like watching Jaws. Awful, just awful.


Cause it was horrible!

They altered so much.

And the retarded shark scene! What was that?? Sharks do not act like that, and it didnt happen either.
