
I love this movie, but there's one thing that puzzled me: in the scene where he's a teenager having dinner with his parents, he said he was a vegetarian. And then when he's older, he gladly accepts chicken from Celia in the cafeteria. I mean if his remembrances go only until the late 60s and he cannot build any newer ones, he should still be a vegetarian. Even if he was trying to impress Celia, a vegetarian (as determined as he was) would never acceprt meat just to please someone, even a crush.


There are three possibilities

1. If you remember Gabriel suffered from a brain tumor which prevented him from forming new memories, so maybe he forgot his vegetarian past.

2. He might have been one of those vegetarians who will eat chicken and fish, but not beef and pork [I know of a view who do that].

3. [I know you'll want to impale me on a meat hook after this, but I know of several people who have gone through this]: His vegetarianism might well have been just a teen-age phase, and soon went back to omnivouring.
