
After reading the book, and watching this fluffy crap, you just have to wonder if they were stealing their notes off of Cleveland Show. This show generated one chuckle from me in 21 minutes of air time. Most of the jokes were drowned out by that stupid studio audience.

One season, two if they're lucky... this show really didn't do justice AT ALL to the book. The lines were over the top cheesy, and the acting wasn't great.

What's with them changing up the family's history? Was that really necessary? No, it wasn't

And for people who say this show is better then any other comedy show, you don't know real comedy.

Solid 2/10, and I'm being generous...



"And for people who say this show is better then any other comedy show, you don't know real comedy...."

or you can respect other people's opinion and not sound like a stick up your ass critic. I like the show its not the best thing in the world but its lot better then Outsourced ,Parks and Recreation, and Glee.

"Hooters hooters yum yum yum, Hooters hooters on a girl that's dumb"


Sorry, but I cannot agree that this is by any measure better than Parks&Rec.

*beep* My Dad Says" is a camp, laugh-track ridden *beep* that reminds me of "When The Whistle Blows", the show-within-a-show in Ricky Gervais'"Extras".
There's no substance whatsoever.

Whereas Parks&Rec's jokes often rely on a single look given by one of the characters. In "SMDS" you know when you're supposed to laugh, when the audience does. "P&R" requires some knowledge of a proper context and a bit of an attention span to be truly appreciated.

And if that doesn't make it a better, or 'real', comedy, then I don't know what does.


Foodv, I didn't mention P&R. I've never seen the show so I can't comment on that one way or another.

T-One411, everyone on this message board is a critic, dumba$$. The main difference between us is that I'm a critic who can listen to other people's opinion, and you're a biased moron. Just because you like this shi!!y show and this crap actually entertains you, doesn't mean others like it or are entertained. And I don't like to put sticks up there, but if that's your lifestyle choice then you can do whatever makes you feel better.

Have a good day :)


I've watched the greatest down to some of the worst sitcoms in TV history
and I can say that while I love the show,
I know that it's not one of the "best" ever made. (At leat so far).

I'm willing to give it time to improve.

I realy find comedies without an audience or laugh track to be rather dull. The onlty one that's ever gotten through to me is "The Office". (Than you Steve Carell).

I want to escpae into a sitcom and be entertained for awhile,not have it look like a 30 minute movie comedy. I know where to laugh either way but I'd rather have it be "live" (sweetened with laugh track or not).

HaPpIpUPpI 13 *Arf!*


Why don't you just get some people to talk in the next room while you're watching, and then you'll get the same effect as if you were watching the show with a studio audience?
