new Re-Kill info

Here is what has posted

Psst, remember Re-Kill? That found footage zombie effort that was supposed to come from After Dark Films?

We've learned the film's delay has been attributed to the schedules of both director Valerie Milev - who was pulled away to film Code Red - and Courtney Solomon who went to direct the film Getaway with Ethan Hawke, Selena Gomez and Jon Voight.

While Milev is credited with directing the film, Solomon has had a heavy hand in the production and Re-Kill is being considered a "collaborative" effort. This process got interrupted during post-production while both went off to shoot other project.

Now, apparently all the digital effects are being added and word is that the film will finally be done in September. There may be a theatrical release early next year.

The film's synopsis: Five years after the Outbreak, a zombie menace is supposed to be waning. But the brave men and women of R-Division, who find and destroy the undead, are seeing signs of a second Outbreak which humanity may not survive. The footage about the men and women of R-Division and their grim, dangerous but essential job of exterminating re-animated humans, was shot the week previous by an embedded journalist during a long, deadly day. Only the film survived.


that excuse is still kinda flimsy at best but whatev...i'm definitely pissed that i have to wait essentially a whole other year for it.


Next flippin' year!?? This is starting to feel like the movie-version of Duke Nukem Forever...


On the fan website 'Scott Adkins Fanz' it says it will be released in Russia on July 4th and will now be called Re-Loaded but if it actually happens I don't know
