Lesbian President?

At 51.50 mins. into the movie, the President's assistance comes in and says quote: 'Secrect Service informs me that The First Lady and your children are in the bunker'

Interesting fact that also Meredith Baxter is a lesbian in real life.

Hee Hee..so we have the first female president of USA who is now a lesbian?

NOT that there is anything wrong with that....

I wonder who the V.President is: __________________ Fill in the blank
and lets see how creative you all can become.



Chaz Bono


Vicep resident is an actual animal, thus confirming that even animals can rule better than current vice president.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Yeah, that whole scene made me want to vomit!!!

I wanted more than life could ever grant me.


This is an Asylum film so there's like... a 10% chance that was intentional.

50% chance they cast a man as the president, that fell through, they recast the part and didn't rewrite the script after casting.

40% chance the actor flubbed the line and the director just didn't care enough for a second take.


I was sure it was your mom...


Well. If Killary gets elected...
