Why did she give him ANY money?

I can't believe she offered any money in exchange for sole custody of the daughter. He'd been living off her money for years, and lied to her about his true identity. She should've had no problem getting sole custody and should've just told him to take a walk -- empty handed.



I think she explained that at the start. Going public with this would not be good for her reputation plus she just wanted him out of their lives.




>>Because she's stupid. That's how he duped her for 12 years. She didn't even ask where he got all his money from, which was suspect.<<

I agree with you to a point. A LOT of very smart people were also duped for many years by Madoff, so it can happen to the any of us when we don't question things.



She's an idiot.

Y'know, I could eat a peach for hours


Sandra Boss was in on the con. At least to some extent. "Clark" had no relatives, zero, zip, nada. That's a huge red flag! More importantly, he couldn't get a passport! So, this wealthy couple never considered the possibility of traveling abroad? It's one red flag after another.

Why did Sandra Boss play along with the con? Because it benefitted her career to be a Rockefeller. That's why she moved up the ranks in her consulting firm so quickly! Clients were delighted to be served by a Rockefeller, so she brought in lots of business to the firm, which was happy to promote her and pay her a large salary.

Only after they started divorce proceedings did she finally decide to doubt "Clark" and hire a private investigator. Of course, the investigator only confirmed what she knew all along: that this guy was a complete fake.
