Jane Fonda's appearance at the end

What was the point of her showing up at the drugstore? Her narration was fine
(although the original choice for the voiceover was Judi Dench, which might have
been better), but her cameo seemed superfluous.

I'm not crying, you fool, I'm laughing!



She also got her face on the dvd cover. It seemed pointless to have her in the pharmacy at the end and make that douche comment.


I think everything about Jane Fonda in this movie was pointless and cringe worthy. Her attempt at trying to sound cool during her narration was like nails on a blackboard.


Yes, there's something very annoying about a woman trying to sound like something that she's not.

"Baba Booey! Baba Booey!"


Honestly, I didn't get it either. That's why I came here to see if there was a point that I missed...glad I'm not the only one.

I liked the movie well enough, but didn't like the voice-over...seemed like it was trying to be too clever. That said I thought maybe it was going to be some plot twist/character in the future/etc. When I saw the scene it just left me confused. That alone dropped the star rating of this film in my mind. Silly.


I guess in most movies, you get to see (at some point) the narrator, and he/she usually has a role (think Morgan Freeman).

But the Jane Fonda narrator was sort of hard to figure out, plot-wise. She seemed to be playing herself. At one point, she talks about how she "knows a little about working out" (or something similar), and at the end, the father-in-law seems to recognize her as Jane Fonda (though is everyone else just used to seeing her around town?). But then... are we supposed to believe that this is basically her telling of a few incidents that happened in her town? I guess it's not a stretch to imagine that some interesting things happen in the small towns where former Hollywood types go to retire. But then we have to set aside the questions about how she knows so many of the details, and isn't there a coherence issue? In other words, at that point, why not have it be Ray Liotta telling us a story, as Ray Liotta?


This could be a whole new genre of film: guess the VO celebrity! lol

My verdict: super lame.


It was a joke, tying together the idea that she lives in that town, and throwing in the chlamydia line for a little more humor, emphasizing how the pharmacist knows everyone's secrets. I thought she was a good sport to go along with that one.

We provide ... Leverage.


Like what? She's a celebrity or something? Give me a break.


You didn't get the last scene. I did. Sorry if that detracts from your negativity, but I'm sure you'll muddle through.

We provide ... Leverage.


This is like when someone tells you a really lame joke and you don't laugh and then they look at you like you're the idiot.


My guess is she was one of the financial backers and wanted to give the film a boost with her "star power." Just another has been actress in my book.


I didnt really get it either.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Just watched it for the first time and didn't get the appearance so now I find myself here.
