Pilot was very Good!!

Really enjoyed it!!


This is definitely gonna be a staple on adult swim, the animation is great, voice acting superb, and more Black Dynamite! whats not to love?


"u ever been slapped across yo *beep* face wit a frog dick"

yea the pilot was funny lol

I want Monopoly money but I ain't even halfway there-DMX



wow! i cant wait to see it! i have the movie. where can i see the pilot?



You can watch it on Vimeo also.


Really liked the animation style on this, hope they can keep the writing up

let's talk about chicks man http://www.wackywarfare.com


When does it air on adult swim? I had no idea it was coming out. I thought it was coming out last year, lol.

Can anyone help.

What happened happened and can't happen any other way


Adult Swim (Toon), Sunday, July 15, 11:30pm ET

The closest I've ever come to abstinence is no salt on my margarita.


I thought it started off very slowly. The Michael Jackson jokes were funny but will it be like this every week? We'll see.
