Uncensored version?

Anyone heard of the uncensored version being aired?

I want to enjoy the show but the bleeped swearing is driving me nuts.

I'm all for bleeps in comedy (South Park handles this quite well) but with so much swearing in BD, I feel less like I'm watching a TV show and more like I'm sat listening to an old fax machine.

"A bee bit my bottom. Now my bottom's big."


youll probably have to wait until the season comes out on dvd/blu ray. i see it available on itunes, but theres no specification that the episodes are uncensored.



There will never be an airing of uncensored episodes. You'll just have to wait until the DVD comes out.



Buy the DVD when it comes out *beep*

Victory is Mine!!!


After watching uncensored Boondocks, I'm convinced that bleeped swearing IS funnier. Just watch Riley's tirade on the british gangster in The Fundraiser for a perfect example.

Besides, I just bet you want to see uncensored frog bleep, don't you?!


Besides, I just bet you want to see uncensored frog bleep, don't you?!

And here's the quote:

What was that? I couldn't hear you that time. It sounded like you had a frog dick in your mouth!

That scene gets me every time because it was so unexpected. And for the fact it's a brief flash and then Cream Corn is screaming, I had to rewind my DVR to catch it.



I got them off itunes, and they are bleeped. I think the bleeps make it funnier.


This show has too much swearing for bleeping. And the bleeps become pretty damn annoying when more than half the script is bleeped. It has seriously put me off the series, the bleeping. I hope the uncensored versions will come out on home video someday.



damn it fiendish dr wu black dynamite done told you not to be hittin up these boards!!! But look what you done did . what you think we can't recognize you in that picture cause its black and white?....You jive turkey


The Bluray of season 1 that's out now is uncensored.


My broke-ass non-bluray version just arrived and it's definitely not censored.


Dear Churchr-1

By 'censored', do you mean the "bad words" or a completely clear version
of 'Black Dynamite', that shows all of the animated nudity as well. Especially
one of my favorite episodes; "Honky Kong!" or "White Apes Can't Hump"! It isn't that
the nudity is much of an attraction either, except the uncensored dialog that is
mentioned above and it adds to the humor of the story. Anyone worried about their kids
seeing something you feel is too 'dirty' for their innocent little constitutions, then
make use of the channel blocker code, so that only those over 18 can watch these type
of programs.
