MovieChat Forums > 1 Girl 5 Gays (2009) Discussion > Matthew Barker's new persona

Matthew Barker's new persona

The most recent episode to air in the US just about drove me crazy! Apparently (as we find out about half way through the discussion) Matthew Barker has recently discovered that he is a bottom. Nothing wrong with that, although since he had always thought of himself as a top I wonder why he has to define himself at all. But anyhow, it appears that now that Matt likes to bottom he thinks that he must twink it up. I have no problem with any type of gay guy whether he be (and I hate this term but will use it since it is easy to know what i am talking about) "straight-acting", more flamboyant, whatever. But I find it pretty *beep* offensive that Matt Barker seems to think that now that he is bottoming he has to "act" more gay. He was saying "girl" after every single sentence, using the pronoun she when talking about guys and being more animated than usual. Essentially he was Gerry Lite. I love Gerry, by the way but I found Barker's behavior, and the clear concept behind it, to be so gross.


In Matt's defense his transition to flamboyancy didn't happen overnight, there were a couple of episodes prior to the live show where his style changed and his demeanor

he could be playing it up sure or maybe he feels more comfortable in his skin and his 'straight acting' self was a front

on that note though he's not as attractive to me as he was when the show started, least there's still jake, and ian

reply wasn't exactly overnight but on that episode it was just really prominent. Like I said in my post, more effeminate or flamboyant gay men don't bother me at all as long as they are being themselves and not "gaying it up" because they think they have to/should. Matt's insistence in ending every sentence with "girl" coupled with his announcement that he recently discovered that he was a bottom made me think that he had figured that now he is a bottom that he has to act a certain way. But he is still kind of young so we'll see.

You are right...he is not as attractive as he used to be somehow. Ian and Jake are totally hot but right now my crush is Max. He is probably taller and thinner that what I usually go for but that face and hair...the boy is cute.


I just found out about this show and just started watching it. I'm a born Hag, and I've always wondered something but could never bring myself to ask. Is it always strictly top and bottom, or is there some switching around? Just curious.

"Shakespeare was a genius. He was the president of Rome." Workaholics


I have learned so much about that from this show! I was curious too...basically some only top or bottom most do both but have a preference and usually do one or the other and some like both equally.
What I was most amazed about was the fact that some guys top so exclusively that they do not even perform oral. I learned this from Ian. To each his own but it would seem to me that the bottom in the relationship is getting the short (or long if he's with Ian... lol) end of the s/dick since their only climax would come from their (or maybe their partner's... never was clear on that) own hand. I know that men can climax through prostate stimulation but that seems like maybe a second-rate orgasm...maybe not. Anyhow, supposedly the bottoms who are in this relationship are fine with it. Just fascinating.


hahahah oh my, I just had to respond to this.

"I know that men can climax through prostate stimulation but that seems like maybe a second-rate orgasm...maybe not"

Not. Climaxing when you're on bottom is the absolute best orgasm a man can have! Stimulating yourself when you're on bottom is hardly different than a female doing the same to herself because most women don't climax just from intercourse. Thank god for power tops (I'm a power bot), but they don't know what they're missing.

As far as Barker, what annoys me about him is he's said things that seemed anti-twink, anti-femme, anti-queen etc.. yet he is so queeny himself- as evident by his 'new persona'. He seems like a hypocrite, and kind of lame.


Thanks for the info! I don't feel especially comfortable asking my gay friends to be so specific... thank goodness for the anonymity of the internet.
Thats exactly what I mean about Matt...he'll say dispariging things about fem guys then go all Super Twink. He also is a huge liar...if you've watched from the beginning you'll see how he has changed answers on things that should not have changed.


On a recent ep. I saw w/Matt on it, he said something to the effect of "I don't want a guy that dances, sings, acts or serves... I want a 'real' man"
So according to Matt Barker, guys that dance, sing, act or serve aren't real men. Matt just casually perpetuated the prejudice that gay guys face in general from ignorant straight people. And again, Matt isn't exactly butch himself.
His flaming personality mixed with just sheer idiocy really gets under my skin.
