
This is one hot guy!!!



oh my god, hes so good looking its painful as a straight girl to watch him sometimes lol so good looking!


oh my god, hes so good looking its painful as a straight girl to watch him sometimes lol so good looking!


I sure would like to be examined by Nurse/Doctor Jake!


On the 07/29/2011 episode. The panel was asked what was their most unhealthy obsession. Everyone answered with a food product except for Jake. His was masturbating 6 times a day on his day off! Now that is HOT!! Call me Jake...


He's so hot! I've missed the whole issue with Yerxa. Don't know what that's about.


He is soooo cute, and well-spoken and intelligent. Yum.


He is so very hot! He's all that & genuinely kind & sincere as well! That smile makes me melt!


jake is really unlikable. he is SO judgmental and thinks he walks on water. Cant stand those types of people. he is not very attractive, i think hes just put on a panal with pretty average/unattractive guys so it makes him appear to be better looking than he actually is. he needs to stop looking down on people because they dont live 'perfect' lives like him.


he is not very attractive
um, really ?? What screen are u watching ?? He is fine.


His holier-than-thou, bland personality is what makes him unattractive. I'd take Dean, Yerxa, Gerry, or Juan--men who know who they are, flaws and all--ANY day over this bore.


the problem is, he knows hes hot, so its like a handicap.
i know a lot of guys exactly like him, all really cute, all really boring if/when you stop fantasizing about them naked.
he knows he can walk in any room and people will find him interesting and all he has to do is smile and remember to eat right and exercise. he doesnt have to actually use his brain at all, unless he chooses to.
and he comes off as being very naive to me, so im guessing he doesnt choose to use it very often.


He comes across as extremely knowledgeable, especially about gay history and health. I don't see him as naive or just another pretty face coasting on his looks.


and he could coast from coast to coast on those looks...


opinionated maybe.. but knowledgeable?

hes like most doctors/nurses, they know how to sell their opinions as facts.


I tend to think that most nurses and doctors know what they are talking about.



Jake turn your head and cough...


Jake does the holding and u do the coughing. Don't get it twisted, sister.
