MovieChat Forums > Heavy Rain (2010) Discussion > The camera angles on the butterfly trial...

The camera angles on the butterfly trial are driving me crazy!!

Anybody else have a problem with this?The angles change so much you loose all sense of direction.And why doesn't Ethan use his jacket to protect his arms while he crawls?Great game but that part bothered me!



How did you do in it?I gave up.Or should I say,Ethan gave up,but I was glad he did.I just completed the game,got probably the worst possible ending,just about everyone died,so i'll have to endure it again....



Ah,I did it on the second play through,still annoying though!You're right about the killer squeezing through the tunnels,and the electric cables after,no chance,unless he got one of his victims to do it before he threw them in the drain,but that's incredibly far fetched..


He could have always hired some less-than-ethical people to set up some of the stuff for him.

In any case, the first time around the camera angles were a problem for me too and I ended up failing that task. But the second time it wasn't nearly as bad, and I think I only got burned once during the whole thing. Just remember to hold down L1 if you want to get a different perspective and use the left joystick to look in whatever direction you're considering going in.


yea i went straight for the coward door, it was just too annoying, especially after the infuriating tunnel crawling sequence. This section of the game was by far the worst bit for me, i just couldn't be bothered with it


I beat it on my first time through actually, I understand why you had trouble though it was a bitch. I loved that trial though


I managed to make it through on the first try. Ethan got zapped a couple times, and the screen was going all red, but he made it... only to later be arrested and not be the one to find Shaun anyway. *sigh* Oh well...
I actually rather enjoyed the Butterfly Trial though.

It makes me wonder what happens if you get zapped too often. I got Ethan zapped twice, I think, and Ethan was in pretty darn bad shape. Can Ethan die in the butterfly trial if you get him zapped too many times?

I hope our little game isn't causing you to perspire.


I don't think so. He just leaves.


I had a little trouble at first, but remember you can change your view. Just pay attention to which wires you crawl through, look for another set that doesn't have sparking, face that one, then change your view so that you're looking at it. Once I realized this I thought the whole thing was a breeze and I was playing on the hardest setting. Hope that helps.

Stand by for Ludicrous Speed......


The flame part makes no sense! Wouldn't you want to go in the direction the wind is blowing FROM?


No, because there was no wind. Fire needs oxygen to burn, and it will seek out fresh oxygen to order to keep aflame.




I think I remember Ethan saying though that the flame was caused by a wind, maybe I just misheard the dialogue though but as a result I was turning away from the flame for a while until I realised that wasn't working and followed it instead

as for the camera angles, those didn't bother me so much as the controls, but being a PC gamer (played the game on my brothers PS3) used to mouse and keyboard I was at much more of a disadvantage than most who played the game would have been... though by the time I finished the game I didn't usually have to look down at the controller to check which button was X, triangle, square or circle anymore but I still got probably the worst ending (after failing the first two trials I decided to be a little silly at times since I knew I'd have to replay anyway. "she'll never survive that fall... but let's try anyway"

I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me...
