Question about Kyle

Sorry if this has already been answered. I looked for the answer but didn't see it.

Mike said he would fight to keep Leo at home, right? At the end, was Kyle staying with Leo and helping take care of him? I figured that would be the case, but wasn't sure after the scene with Kyle playing croquet at Mike's house. If Kyle doesn't stay with Leo, Mike would have to pay someone to stay with him, it seems. With the $1500/month going to the mom, that'd be tough.

Did I miss something?



I think that Kyle was living with Mike and his family and Leo was in his own home with help. Remember that Leo had plenty of money, so he could afford to have the proper help to keep him in his home. As an aside, I loved this movie!


Yes I think this must be correct.

I really liked this movie too. Tom McCarthy has the magic touch with making movies.


I guess that makes sense. Thanks.



Mike was supporting both of them, hence the second job as a bartender we see at the end of the film. Kyle apparently could move back and forth, taking care of Leo and still being part of his new family, too. "Win,win" for everyone.


Yeah pretty much win win for all....good story/film
