Someone Must Have Known

I really enjoyed this movie. But I think that might be because, on a certain parallel level, I relate to it so much. I don't have cancer, but I do have an ongoing medical condition that is creating a lot of turmoil, to say the least.

And this might sound "whiny," but I am not here to complain. But I do need to make a point. In all the years I've dealt with my chronic medical condition, I've experienced the same frustrations that Deon faced. Other people have decided to enforce their own "treatments" because they know the best way to "fix" me. People have judged me more for my illness - something I did not ask for or cause - more than any other circumstance in my life. Elements like these throughout the movie were so spot-on.

Because of that, I could swear that someone involved with this movie must surely know first-hand that the effects of an illness go beyond the physical. He or she had to have seen or experienced what someone with a chronic illness goes through. Someone must have known. I was so impressed with the accuracy in that sense.

Does anyone agree?


I'd really have to re-watch the movie to see what you're seeing ... but thanks for your candid words. Hope you have good health!


The creative choices definitely felt unique, which in turn made things feel more realistic to me. I don't know if that makes sense or not. But to your question; apparently 50 Cent based his character on a childhood friend who died of cancer, so maybe that's why the effects of the illness seemed to spot-on? I guess that's not "first-hand", but it's definitely a subject that can hit home to those very close to someone who is sick.

I also felt like the film did a great job of focusing on the loved ones' emotional and financial struggles.

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Hi Randy,

I could not agree more! Your explanation makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the great reply! :)



You're welcome. Hope all is well.

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