MovieChat Forums > The Vow (2012) Discussion > What Really is a True Story (spoilers)

What Really is a True Story (spoilers)

I read a blog from Leo, actually his name is Kim and he wrote about the accident and what all happened to which is not at all how it happened in the movie. Many things were actually not what went on in the movie as to what really happened in real life. There wasn't the moving back home, there wasn't the same occupations for either of them. Seriously people that have a bad hit on the head from accidents like in the movie and real life go through amnesia and what is so different? Nothing! This movie could have been about anyone with amnesia actually, since pretty much everything else in the movie was made up for a Hollywood script. From what I read in his blog nothing that happened in the movie actually happened in real life other then her only knowing her parents and not him when she woke up. In real life she was actually driving and to her parents house for doesn't seem like they weren't speaking does it, but she was going around a vehicle and got clipped by a truck. He wasn't even driving as it shows in the movie, opps he wasn't even driving cause they were just sitting still and got rammed. It could have been any couples story from the amnesia. So the amnesia is really the only thing the real couple had in common with this movie and that's it!!!! If this is based on a true story then my great great grandmothers life story is based on Gone With The Wind. Does that make Gone with the Wind my great great grandmothers True Life Story because she lived on a plantation and had social parties and loved one man but had to marry another and had slaves and went through the civil war days etc.... see my point.I just feel the True Story thing was a way to grab us to watch this movie when in fact nothing was true but her amnesia. I feel lied too. Just remember when you read "based on a true story", that usually means nothing is true in it.


I remember in the beginning of the movie it is said the movie is based on true events. Like that he has to win his wife's heart again. I enjoyed the movie.


Not based, it's INSPIRED. Big difference.


I also read the true story before watching the movie, the only real thing in the movie is that they were married, suffered an accident, she lost her memory of him, and he did everything in his power to make her fall in love with him again. I think that if we look at the divorce rate, it's truly inspiring how a man didn't care that his wife didn't even remember him, he got her back, and they are still together and have a family. He didn't say "oh well, this is too difficult, she doesn't love me anymore, divorce", he fought for the woman he loved, and won.



As Deya above says, it's INSPIRED by a true story. Even though there are very few similarities in the detail of the story, the inspiration is that the husband had a wife who didn't remember him and his persistence meant they fell in love again. That's the premise of the story and that is the basic outline of the real story. Not so disimilar in part that really matters.

I agree with you Madonna, it's a testimony to the strength of his love that they are still together, the strength of their renewed love, and its sad that so many give up on marriage these days without realising how much effort you have to put in to reap the rewards :)

"If you build it, he will come"


It says inspired by, not based on.

The characters of Paige and Leo are made up.
