Past due bills

Paige's dad practically tried to bribe Leo to divorce is daughter for money. My question is shouldn't they have gotten some sort of pay out from the guy who rear ended them? I mean she was in a coma, that's a big deal. You'd think their medical bills would have been taken care of even though they didn't have insurance. She could've easily gotten some sort of assistance too.


"Paige's dad practically tried to bribe Leo to divorce is daughter for money."

Practically? How about definitely. Go away and I'll give you x-amount of money? That's a bribe to me.

And, yes, they would have gotten a nice settlement. The truck that hit them was a commercial vehicle which would have had lots of coverage. Not like they got hit by a private passenger car which would have had a minimum policy ($15,000 in California), or worse--uninsured.

Chalk this up as another major flaw in this heavily flawed dog.


Exactly. First of all, most states require all cars to have some type of liability insurance. The insurance of the commercial truck that hit them would have had to pay for all medical expenses. Plus even if it was a hit and run, their own insurance would have kicked in to pay for the medical expenses even if they had the bare minimum.

Jesus would support Universal Health Care


I don't know if the fact that it was snowing and she had taken off her seat belt had anything to do with it. Also, it is also noted that he owns his own business and is not doing very well, since he has missed a lot of work.

Most of the time insurance companies will not pay anything out until the patient is done receiving treatment, and since she still had memory loss and was seen going to the doctor throughout the movie, she was probably not done yet.

I don't know what the required state minimum liability insurance for commercial vehicles is, but even then, after all they did, all the time she was in the hospital, cat scans, MRIs, surgeries, etc, it could EASILY amount up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Most insurance companies have a limited amount for medical expenses, and the affected party would have to sue the owner of the vehicle personally to get anything else than what the insurance payout would offer.



Commercial vehicles do carry high coverage, but sometimes not as high as you think. $1 Million doesn't go too far when you are in a coma months and months. I don't remember how long she was in, but high level care isn't cheap. A month long ICU could cost you upwards of $750,000.

Additionally, I don't know about the particular state laws in the movie, but some states have contributory laws that would have kicked in since she wasn't wearing a seatbelt. Some states have zero contributory, which means something like if you have contributed to your accident (no headlights, no seatbelt, etc.), you get nothing.


I think everybody on this thread needs to get laid, like now.


I thought the past due bills were because he was missing so much work due to chasing Paige all the time. And i didn't assume the bills were medical, i thought they were everyday normal bills.

But yes, there is that scene with her father talking about medical bills.
