
I heard that the book was religious and I was just curious if the movie was the same way? It doesn't matter to me at all but it might matter to someone I planned to see the movie with. Sorry if this has been posted before. Thank you. :)

"If you weren't real I would make you up"


Not at all. If God is mentioned (I can't remember if He was) it was in the 'curse' mode.



Ok. Thank you very much. :)

"If you weren't real I would make you up"


Religion isn't mentioned at all in the movie. In fact their wedding takes place in an art museum instead of a church.

The lack of mention of their faith in God was the only thing mentioned by the Carpenters when they were asked what they thought of the movie.

"you're seeing a whole team of psychiatrists, aren't you?" Terrence Mann


I'm pretty sure that the couple this movie is based on is very religious. I could be wrong though.


You're not wrong. That is what I thought I said.

"you're seeing a whole team of psychiatrists, aren't you?" Terrence Mann




^ nice tell some to Shut the F up when they are being sweet? how ugly of you. How bout saving such ugly words for people who causing harm and putting filth out into the world? The Fact is this story is based on a real couple who did go through a horrid time and part of what saw them through was their person religous beliefs... My sister had a similar thing happen her husband had a brain virus the first year they were married he lost all well as memory of how to walk and eat and function... he also was left visually impared.. Noooooo One better tell her to "Shut the f up" If she wants to say how much her faith helped her through.
(make lemons all money goes to animal charity)



What God did for this couple? He put her in a car crash. I'm pretty sure the hospital staff fixed her back up.

"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness"



How about acknowledging that if your god truly loved you, and you were truly a good person who followed him, he shouldnt have to put your through misery? Why do christians have this conceptualization that "God" loves them when they suffer, because of the mistakes that the two "original" human beings made? Does that not make sense? What kind of god expects you to worship him and love him only for him to put you through suffering? What kind of loving god does that?

I don't deny that the original story derived from this movie was of religious intent, I just find it blasphemous and ridiculous.


You need to go back to Bible school. You have much to learn.

Your chains are still mine, you belong to me! - The Phantom Of The Opera


Brilliant. Ignore his reasonable arguments, and just post a condescending one-liner. Way to go to win people over to your flock, Princess.

Please click on 'reply' at the post you're responding to. Thanks.



If you believe God is omnipotent, omnipresent and has designed everything in advance then he caused the car crash as well as the recovery. What a zany joke he played. If you're going to credit God with the good then you have to credit him with the bad also. He's also the cancer, AIDS and S.I.D.S in the world.

"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness"



So God creates you and designs you a certain way. He predetermines everything you will ever do and then punishes you when do what he set out for you to do? Also, that's not free will. That's like saying a rat in a cage can leave at any time.

"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness"


No, we have total and utter free will, but God exists outside of time as we understand it so he knows what is going to happen. It's not predetermined, but God knows it will happen before it does. I believe that we, as humans need to make mistakes and God lets us. If God stepped in for every little thing that went wrong no one would ever learn.


I don't subscribe to that idea.

"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness"


There is no God. End of discussion.

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content


"There is no God. End of discussion. "

O, really? Based on your subjective opinion? You will have to better than that...


its all a lie. a cruel joke. no1 has seen him. why is he not in any fotoz?

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content


Did you know there's a tiny teapot floating around the sun?

"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness"


Its a lie? I see it/him/her everyday of my life, because Its everywhere.Its in me, in my wifes love, in my daugters smile, in the wind, in the sumbean. in the animals, etc. What do you expect to see? A old man sitting on a cloud? You are a atheist-catholic moron.


its all bs. u cant bs me.

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content


You can't really expect logical thinking on an imdb forum.


Its a lie? I see it/him/her everyday of my life, because Its everywhere.Its in me, in my wifes love, in my daugters smile, in the wind, in the sumbean. in the animals, etc. What do you expect to see? A old man sitting on a cloud? You are a atheist-catholic moron.

This is why overly religious people rub me the wrong way. They think that anyone who doesn't believe as they do is a moron. It's just ridiculous. Also, since we are doing the name calling game, I'll play along. You sound like the biggest moron in this thread.

BTW whatever is "IN" you needs to take some grammar lessons.

"In order for you to insult me, I would first have to value your opinion."


"by personal-98-235879 (Sun Apr 22 2012 21:58:55)
Ignore this User | Report Abuse Reply
Its a lie? I see it/him/her everyday of my life, because Its everywhere.Its in me, in my wifes love, in my daugters smile, in the wind, in the sumbean. in the animals, etc. What do you expect to see? A old man sitting on a cloud? You are a atheist-catholic moron."

Why do religious people only make "sunbeam" citations when referring to God's creations?

How come no one ever says "I believe in God. He created feces."

Bc he did.

All the sht every animal has ever excreted was made by God. Pretty butterflies in a sunny field were made by God, but he also made the maggots in the coffin you will rot in. They are essential to life, they help break down your body for the earth.

When you talk about the good things, like your daughter's smile, please don't ignore the bad things that God has done. Like the many girls who was your daughter's age who died in a concentration camp.


and it's obvious to anyone that reads fairy tales? that you like and believe in fairy tales.

what's even worse? you argue with others to prove your fairytales are real.. to the point where you call others that don't believe in your fairy tale bad names like:

"atheist catholic-moron"..

Did you know that according to your book of fairy tales - you're not supposed to call people names? or categorize them in order to feel better about yourself and your beliefs?

you'll burn in hell for name calling..

remember: "Judge not - and ye shall not be judged".. is that what your book states?

dude, you just judged someone for just thinking or believing differently than you.. what a shame.. and childish..

some days, it's not worth chewing through the restraints..


There is no God. End of discussion.
No, it's not the end of the discussion. The couple that this is based on said it was their faith in Jesus and the promise they made before God that glued tham together after the accident. Of course this was not addressed at all in the movie.

Sorry mikeyflatley, there is a God. Now it's the end of the discussion.

"Don't "yeah,yeah" me, Lois."


sez da guy who wrote da bible who wuz prolly chucklin at all da suckaz he duped.

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafvcka


Sorry mikeyflatley, but you are the one that was duped. Let's just agree to disagree.

"Don't "yeah,yeah" me, Lois."


so if i wrote a book and called it da bible, i can be a profet.

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafvcka


mikeyflatley, you can't write a are you going to write a book?


have u read da bible? da grammar is not dat grate there

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafvcka


How could you be a prophet if you don't believe in God? The prophets were used to spread the word of God, so what would you be prophesying?


false profet much?

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafvcka


Sorry mikeyflatley, there is a God. Now it's the end of the discussion.

No, that's not the end of the discussion. Unless you can provide tangible proof that god exists, which you CAN'T, the discussion will continue. It's your opinion that god exists, not fact.

"The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world."


Jesus lived on earth for 33 years, and you are right we have no tangible proof that He existed, so I guess the same can be said for every historical figure that lived before our time. So by your logic, since we didn't see them with our own eyes, then it's questionable whether they existed or not either.


Oh please, Tegwyn. First of all, the same can't be said for every historical figure. In most cases, there is tangible evidence in the form of artifacts, writings, eyewitness accounts, etc. left behind. As it is, no one has even the smallest physical evidence that he existed, and no one can provide legitimate eye witness accounts that he ever existed. The only claims are from the second hand account writings...hearsay, and hearsay is NOT proof. All writings about Jesus came well after his time by unknown authors and mythical writers, and most of these writings come from people in the church who likely wrote fictional accounts to bolster their religious ideology. There is NO reliable evidence that he ever existed. And the bible is NOT proof. Plus, isn't he supposedly some divine deity greater than all of us and infinite in his wisdom (pfft). If that is true, he is not your everyday average historical figure, so you are comparing apples to oranges. If he is as great as everyone thinks he is and has the power to influence so many people, then you would think there would be some proof of his existence rather than just "feeling" him in the air.

Secondly, this isn't just some historical figure for religious folk. This is a deity that people still think is present in the here and now. That people claim is watching over us now and will be present at the time of our death or send us to "hell" if we aren't believers. That people dedicate their lives and ways of being to. That people use as a basis of moral judgement today. Quit trying to simplify it. You're making yourself look stupid. When I said I wanted proof, I was talking about proof that he is here NOW as some claim. That he is some all knowing spirit guiding and watching over everyone and that we must obey. Any historical figure that is still her NOW we can see. If he really is still with us, then people should be able to provide proof. If not, then it is just conjecture on their part, and he is just some historical figure who's belief system is outdated and should be left in the past.

"The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world."


I didn't say that the Bible or hearsay was proof that Jesus existed, and I didn't realize that you were a Bible scholar who investigated every aspect of Jesus' time here on earth and came up empty. If I am making myself look stupid, so be it, it gives you a chance to belittle those of us who believe.


Never said I was a scholar. Most of what I wrote is common sense. I was just responding to your post and voicing my side, but I guess you would prefer I be quiet so you could have the final say. Nice way to dodge actually answering my post. Apparently you have no answer. As far as saying you are making yourself look stupid, I'm just calling it as I see it. Go into church next Sunday, and compare Jesus to every other historical figure out there as if he is one in the same and nothing special and see how far that gets you.

"The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world."


Turning the other cheek luv_it, happy posting.



I don't subscribe to that idea.

Perfectly fine. That is your prerogative. Just don't claim to know or understand Christianity--as your view of god is clearly not the same as the Christian God of grace.

"I think that silent films got a lot more things right than talkies." --Stanley Kubrick


"...don't claim to know or understand Christianity...

And where did I make such a claim? I was speaking on a purely personal level, with no contention that I was doing so based on any expertise in the subject. Whatever your point is, you may be entirely right if you are saying that if I knew or understood Christianity, I would be of a different opinion. Or I may still not subscribe. But I never pretended to have any sort of grounding on which to express that personal opinion.

As a friend of mine once said: "I do not need knowledge to form prejudices."

PS Your handle is interesting, considering that Clockwork Orange is possibly the most anti-religious movie of the 20th Century.


yet all the glory goes to the humans that fixed her?

Why shouldn't all the glory go to the people that fixed her? THEY saved her life right? There is living breathing proof they did, or did your invisible man do that all on his own, too?

Do you not see how your logic makes no sense?

I think it's your logic that makes no sense, lol. Ya, let's give no credit to the people that we KNOW saved her, and give credit to your God who you say not only caused the accident (or allowed it to happen) but then followed by saving her life, lol. Okay, then. That actually sounds sick and twisted if you ask me. How about I go out and place a dog on the highway, stand by the side of the road and wait for it to get run over, and then rush in to save it so I can be the hero. I swear religious people have the most skewed way of thinking of anyone I have ever seen. You will rationalize anything and make it fit into your beliefs.

"In order for you to insult me, I would first have to value your opinion."



Thank you!



"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness"


It had nothing to do whit liberalism. It's just
plain business. A religious view would limit
the studio's profit.

Simple like that...


What did "God" do to this couple? Luck kept her from dying. Would you say the same thing if she died? No. I didn't think so. Shut the hell up, you brainwashed redneck Christian!

"When Gotham is ashes, you have my permission to die"-Bane


"Yeah, its pretty sad that liberal and soulless Hollywood couldn't show what God did for this couple."

Actually, the whole movie shows what this mythical deity did to them. He *beep* made her lose her memories, dick.

"God works in mysterious, inefficient, and breathtakingly cruel ways." - Penn Jillette


So well said Bodhi -- it is all about miracles, and what the Divine has in store for us. Unfortunately, as you said, they had to make it ''superficial'' once again, Hollywood style. It draws more people. Just like this thread now!!


The story I read is that the woman in the real couple never really fell back in love with her husband, but that is what people want to believe, so that was what was portrayed in this movie.


There is a religion factor. The movie should be religiously avoided.


Finally some logic!

But for the others on here who don't get it:
Omnipotence: sees all.
Omnipresent: knows all.
Omnibenevolent: loves all.

I noticed one poster who mentioned the whole "God outside of time" thing. Back when I was Christian myself, I used this logic to justify things, as well as the notion that this life is temporary and eternity is obviously forever. However, I noticed a few problems with this logic.

1. God knew when he created the world that things would, for the most part, be pretty unpleasant for most of the population (consider how the majority of us live in poverty).

2. God thinks it's fair to punish everyone for the sin of two people, kind of like a prison sentence being past on to the criminal's children.

3. If Jesus did take away all sins and suffering when he died on the cross, that should have wiped the slate clean and taken us back to the state we were in (as a species) at the beginning. Jesus did say he came to fulfill the (Hebrew) law, meaning we didn't have to do all those silly rituals mentioned in Leviticus, but he also said he came to relieve us of our sorrows. Yet, there is sorrow; just ask the Christians in Burma.

4. If eternity is all that matters and what we suffer here means nothing, the good things that happen must also mean nothing. In other words, there may be no point in blaming God, but there sure isn't any point in thanking him either.

5. If God is outside of time and merely perceives the whole of events in this world, then the notion that God's Will holds dominion over all is void. The will of God is mentioned prominently throughout the Bible. You'll notice that even when his chosen few try to avoid his commands, things don't go their way. In other words, we do have free will in the sense that we can choose not to (we are capable), but it's an illusion. Given the two options presented by Christianity, it seems that God has given us the choice of either a) following him without question or b) he'll mess with us and threaten us with hell.


And this has exactly what to do with this movie? The OP asked if there is a religious component to the movie. The answer is NO. And the rest of the posts beg the age-old question: if God is loving, why is there (enter your horror here, holocaust, flood, earthquake, child abuse, whatever)? The Born Again view is accept JC as your personal saviour or you are condemned to Hell for eternity. I cannot subscribe to that. If that's it then free will is indeed an illusion, a cruel hoax. But this movie is too impoverished to raise that question, let alone lead to a discussion about it.

And for your info:

"Omnipotence: sees all.
Omnipresent: knows all. "

No - omnipotence means all-powerful. Omnipresent means sees all.


Next time you want to make this kind of questions, you have to think this got always the classic religious-atheist fanatic morons, discuting about if God exist or not. Just see the movie, if It have some religious content take it with wide-open mind and dont become a another atheist fanatic who sees all religious things as something bad.


Kim and Krickett Carpenter, the real life couple that inspired the movie was interviewed by FoxNews. Kim states, concerning their Christian faith, he wished the movie "had shown a little more of it"
The book that they wrote, which the movie is based on, is embedded deeply religiously.
Kim states that when they married, "he made a vow before God"

More here:

Reminds me of Ecllesiastes 4:12 - "And if one prevails against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken." The 3rd cord being God

"I started out with nothing - And I still have most of it left !"


I was actually surprised that they didn't include that in the movie, but I guess it would have alienated audiences.


It might have given it substance and context. It certainly would have given us a basis to root for them to get back together. As it was, they were good sexual partners and not much else.


I was surprised that they didn't include that in the movie, but I guess it would have alienated audiences.

But here's the thing--if producers, directors and screenwriters of this film were so afraid of offending certain demographics--why couldn't they have at least implied that Paige and Leo were God fearing individuals by simply showing a scene or two of the couple going to church? It's not as if they needed to get overly preachy by basing the film on a deep theological discussion--or ramming it down the audiences throat by quoting numerous Biblical passages to support their every action and belief. Films are visual--and revealing their faith in pictures could have done wonders. I must admit that the film was moving. However, it could have been much more profound if we the audience were given hints that a moral premise did exist which went way beyond the superficial.

Movie contains a minimum 30 percent post-consumer content.



sez da religious person

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content


Nope, no fictional delusional beings in the movie.
