MovieChat Forums > Mai wei (2012) Discussion > Started Out wid Potential But...

Started Out wid Potential But...

...then just sucked like most sk moviez ive seen. i must say tho, da prod quality is just tremendous in dis movie and very impressive. cg is just top notch and looked very real. makez lucas' Redtailz look like garbage.

i very much enjoyed da mysterious beginnin wid da runner and da endin wuz purdy kool. da rivalry btw da 2 boyz wuz very intriguin and i wud rather see more competition btw them in marathonz than da war.

i thought movie wuz still ok until:

[some spoilerz ahead]

1) scene where chinese woman shootz down a plane. daz just silly and da plane not killin da main character? ridiculous. i guess dis is da part when movie just started gettin too outrageous 4 its own good.

2) as mentioned cg wuz top notch but dat scene wid dat plane chasin them wuz sooo fake. i can tell its cg

3) he returnz 2 save da japanese army after they plan on executin him? wtf

4) when tablez turn at soviet camp, dat wuz a good change up. but why where they fightin when anton can easily order da jap colonel a nice beatin? makez no sense when he alredy sed he rule dis camp

5) da jap colonel wud wear a soviet uniform 2 save his skin after he courageously refuse 2 step on jap flag? and it wuz he who volunteered 2 serve in da war. a person like dis wud rather die be4 joinin soviet army. just so out of character

6) korean runner bends over backwardz, even fightz his korean comradez 2 protect da jap colonel? dunno, after all da crap da colonel did.

7) many scenez where da guy clearly is killed, da other guy wud go NOOOOO and give a long cry be4 movin on. seemz quite unrealistic when bulletz r flyin

8) when they meet again in da beach wid da sunset, dat wuz just SOOOO GAY

9) ultimately just too long and need 2 be cut down 2 2hrz at most

I live, I love, I slay, and I'm content


you're bad at trolling because u can't even spell properly so i didn't bother to read everything u wrote.
