MovieChat Forums > That's What I Am (2011) Discussion > saw it today at the quad cinemas on 10th...

saw it today at the quad cinemas on 10th street and 5th

loved it and can't wait tell it comes to dvd


I didnt know it was ever in a theater.
I actually saw an ad for it in wal-mart on the security scanner devices when you exit the store......Right across from Justin Bieber. It caught my attention. When I went to the store on May 17th they didnt seem to have a copy in the new releases. A few days later i was at a different wal-mart and i saw several copies for $13. I bought it and watched it that evening. Th movie is set in 1965 but the theme holds true for almost any time period.
I was very surprized at how much material was packed into this movie and the stories all tied together with common themes.
The world is still rather intolerant of anyone that is "different". Ignorance can breed hatred and contempt. It can destroy lives and ruin carreers.
What holds true even more in todays world is that ugly rumor and gossip can spread far and wide in a matter of minutes. You almost cant escape it.
The messages of this movie are needed now more than ever.


it only came to selected theaters about 5 in the whole country. Thanks for tell me they have it on DVD.
