MovieChat Forums > That's What I Am (2011) Discussion > 6.3? so this is decent for a WWE movie, ...

6.3? so this is decent for a WWE movie, right?

trailer doesnt look as bad as all those other limited release films they have been putting out, and I have seen some good comments about it.

any comments?


It's really good for a WWE movie. It's very realistic so the positive messages it has doesn't come across as corny at all.

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It seems pretty good. The kid characters in the last few WWE movies come across as little brats.I;m goign to try & rent it from Blockbuster today. I kind of get a Wonder Years vibe from it.


Yes very much a Wonder Years feel to it. Daniel Roebuck as the dad had a Dan Lauria thing going on too. It's not a bad lil film. Was perfect for a day when I was stuck home sick. Its streaming on Netflix now. Ed Harris was very good.



WWE has finally realized they can do more than release a bunch of Action flicks with the biggest draws.

It's a rather sweet movie with kiddie romance, a bullying message and overall, it's definetely more of a rental than a go see it in theaters type thing. At the same time, I found it satisfying.

I hope they keep the writer for their more touching movies. I have given up on them when it comes to just about every other genre.


I just finished watching it & was pleasantly suprised & quite likedit. While
it won't be winning any Oscars it was enjoyable. Hopefully they will make more movies like this & avoid crap like The Chaperone.
