excillent movie

loved this film reminded me of the wonder years,and a bit like my own childhood
and im sure many others to, its a good family movie about the rights of passage
in childhood.


it was very much like wonder years in how it was presented. the bullying hit home. I recalled something very similar to this when I was in middle school. The kid had a large nose, not an ugly kid, just happened to have a large nose. the kids were horrible to him. It was pathetic how kids acted. This movie does a very good job of teaching tolerance and teaching how our actions of being intolerant can destroy good things.


very nice little movie!

I agree about the wonder years vibe. very good


When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


Yeah. I was surprised at how good this movie was. I know I'll catch some heat over this, but I saw this last night and I had just seen "The Kings Speech" last weekend. "Kings Speech" won a ton of awards, but I enjoyed this movie so much more.


You would have to admit that he is a complete *beep* and i dont give a damn what he does to Nichol but i swear if it had to be me in the movie i'm pretty sure that i would kick his ass to the moon and make him my bitch.


Herpa derpa?

I have opinions of my own, but I don't always agree with them - George Bush
