Randy Orton's first movie

Randy never did a movie before,I'm sure he's gonna do well tho.

Metal forever.............


Are you serious? He is the most convincing actor in the WWE. HHH and Cena can pump up a crowd but Randy makes you believe he has no control.

Life's a bitch that's why I married her!


Very true, he's absolutly fantastic when he is in character, makes it so easy to believe the rumours about him being an idiot when he is outside the WWE (the rumour about hikm spitting on a girl when she asked for his autograph, which he denied on Twitter).

I hope this movie is shown in England, although I doubt it will be so may have to import it in. Also hope the WWE give it as much of a push as they are doing with the movie of John Cena's that is due out soon.

*Team Jalice*
*I think I'm cute, I know I'm sexy .... *


I have no respect for Cena, the guy's a phaggot. As for Triple H, he was a great wrestler and he could have been a better actor than most wrestlers, if he wanted to. Remember the segment where Triple H married Steph? It was a friggin classic!
Triple H is no longer who he was, he is just a has-been now.

As for Orton's movie, I don't know if they are showing it somewhere, but if you happen to know where do let me know.

Metal forever.............


Meh, it barely showed anywhere in America. Too bad they stuck him in such a small role. was hoping they would do what they did with Kane and put him in a role that matches his character but with more free range.

Life's a bitch that's why I married her!


I think he did pretty good on the days I saw him film.My daughter is a featured extra in this movie and I got to go on set with her.Its going to be a great movie everyone worked so hard on it,so many kids on the set!!


what is his part??? it doesnt really explan i the trailor or story plot on here

but what do I know ???


If I had to venture a guess, based on the two seconds of footage from the trailer, Orton is a cameo who threatens to make someone's horrible secret public, and the near-top billing not being a surprise even if it is just a cameo, seeing as WWE Films is in some way attached to it.

What IS a surprise is WWE Films is attached to a film that actually looks decent, and respectable.



perhaps Randy is that girls older brother?

I KNOW 2 things that are clear.I'm a great sinner,Christ is a great Savior.


From what I saw in the trailer, they showed Orton saying one line about making someone pay. I was trying to figure out if he was related to Harris' character or the bullied kids.

Yippee: "For king!"
Yappee: "For country!"
Yahooie: "And, most of all, for 10ยข an hour!"


From the synopsis given, he's the bully's father.



Randy plays one of the bully kids father. He gets wind of a rumor that Ed Harris's character is gay and threatens to make trouble. Most of his 3-4 scenes are with Amy Madigan who plays the principal. For what the role is he was pretty believable.


In a way I'm glad he had a small role. Most of WWE's wrestlers don't transcend well like The Rock, and in some ways I think WWE was getting the same feeling Lorne Michaels got after all the people he picked became famous outside of his venture.


His name helps to sell the film and the WWE have allowed him to break gently into his first film. It's a very undemanding role and he only has three scenes in total. It is a very strange film for WWE to get behind and I'm not surprised the sole wrestler in it does not feature heavily - I guess they've always been a very moral-centric company though and the central message to this film is a good one.


It was probably because of John Cena using the gay derogatory word as well as Linda trying to run for senator.

