Wow, nice Quota filling.

Sure made the immersion better with the obvious PC history rewriting.


do you actually have any examples or did you just want to whine about something?


Providing examples would get my post deleted. Lyndon Johnson just became presiden, this should be more than enough information for you to find out on your own.


oh, so you are talking about the fact that they had african americans/black kids in the school. It was out of place, yes. but I would not go so far as calling it "quota filling." Just not historically correct. I would not think your post would be deleted as it is part of the history of this country. segregation had not yet occured so it was odd to see people of african decent in the classroom with caucasians.

However, this movie was not so much about being historically correct as it was about teaching tolerance. You might even say they purposely put some kids of african decent in there to make a point.


It didn't phase me seeing black kids around the school - but the black kid who was the cootie expert - that stretched credulity a bit.

"They who... give up... liberty to obtain... safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."



"Do you even remember what you came here to find?"


From the colors of the license plates and the lack of any southern accents on the performers, I'd have to say this was set in California, which definitely did not have segregated schools in the 1960s.

Were you born in the 20th or 21st century?

LBJ passed the Civil Rights law to end segregation in the SOUTH...which is the only place the Jim Crowe laws existed.

Love is like breathing. You have to take some in and let it out to live.
