What the...

What is this? It looks like some MTV Hills style crap. This is really really bad... Come on History! You have to have good shows!


What is this show? It's starting to look like a disappointment.


Yeah, it seriously looks like a scripted show. Fail.


It just keeps getting worse...


If, big if, that girl is actually an Archaeology major she was definitely cast for her photogenic qualities not her intelligence because she's committing some serious violations of protocol they teach you in the first couple years of the undergraduate level.


Can't watch this anymore... I'm going to Tosh.


The history channel is imitating the reality TV craze that is ruining television. Take TLC. it is supposed to be The Learning Channel. Well, all the do is show reality shows about ignorant weird people. Using shows like "Little People, Big world" where at this point the Roloff family is staging fake emergencies all the time and taking fake vacations to keep it interesting. TLC has an obsession with midgets and big religious families. I can't watch any of their shows anymore. Now the History channel is also getting into the reality tv addiction. They have, for some time now. But they have never attempted to pass crap like this for a true thing.

and about Dr Hawass (notice the fact that his name includes a partial description of the guy-HAW A$$-)For years people have been doing documentaries in Egypt. All of them had to deal with Dr Zahi Hawass. The guy has been trying to break into TV, as the main character, for along time. This guy is famous for being and rude with an huge ego. You saw him tonight exaggerating all of his character flaws. He probably thought that it made him more endearing to the audience. Either way this show is a fail. The guy thinks that only he can take care of all of egypt historical legacy. He is only in charge of it because of politics and family connections. Unfortunately, the real good archeologists have to endure him and work around him.

I have heard his ego was legendary, but I guess he also was following a script.

There is no way those people got into that accident at the step pyramid. All people entering places like that carry radios and/or a flashlight at the very least. I could go step by step but I am quite sure you guys could see through the whole set up. Fake accident, fake emergency drive though Cairo.

Then, at the other site, Oh, wow, he is like Indiana Jones, when he used a rope to go down into a brand new hole but , Hey!, there was a camera guy already there ready to film Dr Indiana from the inside. Oh, and if you look pass the mommy there was another exit at the other side. I guess a secret exit. Like the Bat cave. Then the guy goes all ballistic because people were singing (which by the way, the singing was encouraged by the producer/director. I bet to set up the whole scene of Zahi Hawass getting upset).
Imagine that, 10,000 mommies and they have to hold a moment of silence and reverence, not for the diseased, but for Zahi Hawass, so he can pet his ego explaining some irrelevant fact about the particular thing at hand.

Oh, did you guys noticed how taken he is with the women. He was almost salivating though his eyes loking at the cute girls. Which if you noticed aren't archeology students but actresses. No self respecting student would lend themselves for this charade.


Geez, alexponce16, did you have to post this spiel in EVERY thread for this show?! :S
