MovieChat Forums > Chasing Mummies (2010) Discussion > Hahahahaha, this show is a train wreck, ...

Hahahahaha, this show is a train wreck, and not in a good way.

What this show should be about is discovering ancient history. Instead, the show is bombarded with stupid and uninteresting drama. It's hard to decipher what should be taken seriously or if we should even care. Plus, the cast is filled with bumbling idiots and the head of the show is a self-righteous d!ckhole.

How can anyone even remotely like Hawass? The guy is an a-hole who only shows his tolerable side when EVERYTHING is going according to his plans. And since in real life, nothing goes perfects, it's safe to say, he shows his a-holeness quite often.

And the rest of the crew is almost just as unlikeable. The interns are filled with young people who act so naive and retarded that you can almost forgive Hawass' outbursts of anger and frustration.

Just nothing about this show has any redeeming quality. You wouldn't even know that the crew is discovering new and important information about Egyptian history since it's all lost in the mix with all the stupidity and temper tantrums surrounding the cast. You can't even cheer for Hawass to discover anything good since he's such an unlikeable person.

Chasing Dummies would be a good title for this show.


Hawass is performing a reality TV script - this is not a reflection of what he's really like. To see where this crap is coming from, look at other reality TV programs like Deadliest Catch, Operation Repo, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Ice Road Truckers, Pit Boss, etc. I'm not actually suggesting that you follow these programs, or give them viewer support, but I point to them as examples of standard reality TV scripting and contrived conflict. Outbursts of anger and other such antics are par for the course.

It's difficult to believe that someone as distinguished as Dr Hawass would participate in this kind of assclownery. Either he was offered one hell of a paycheck, he's being blackmailed, or going into it he didn't understand how damaging it would be to his reputation and to the field of Egyptian archaeology in the minds of millions of viewers.

In years to come, it will be hard to live down.

Had you never seen Hawass before "Chasing Mummies"?

§« The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. »§


I spotting frequently on these shows, and have always found him an annoying arrogant Douchebag, why I'm not bothering with this crappy show.

"SLaughter is the best medicine"
