MovieChat Forums > Chasing Mummies (2010) Discussion > are finished here! You can... are finished here! You can go work in supermarket!

Ha, ha, ha.....I'm really starting to like that crotchety, bad-tempered, old man, Doctor Zahi Hawass. He really cracks me up! He really has a mouth on him, too! Watch him closely. He's not a bad man. Dr. Zahi has redeeming qualities. He's passionate about Egyptian archeology. It's his native country, culture, and history. I expect him to be passionate about it. He does care about the safety of his guest student intern archeologists. Notice how he scolded the young men and remiinded them to be gentlemen and assist the young women up through the pyramid. If you can bring yourself to see Zahi's TOTAL personality, faults and good points, you start to dislike him less and understand him more. Watch longer and you do see Dr. Zahi smile, laugh, crack some puns and jokes, and show enthusiasm with the young interns. It's just that don't expect the old man to be your grandfather. He has very little patience for laggards, slow people; especially slow-minded people, or for mistakes. His tolerance level is very limited.

I love his take-no-prisoners/suffer-no-fools/borderline politically incorrect way he admonishes, scolds, and berates the interns and individual crew members.

He really wasn't picking on Zoe, the enthusiastic, pretty young brunette from Canada who wears form-fitting jeans. Dr. Zahi let her stay, despite the fact she was not officially on the guest intern archeology list. I saw him crack a few jokes with her. What happened is that Zoe (whom Zahi pronounces as, ZOWIE, ha, ha, ha) appears to be somewhat claustrophic, a big no-no for an aspiring archeologist. Zoe in hindsight should have attended the restroom before crawling with the others deep into the pyramid. I give her credit for trying. You can't pay me enough money to squeeze through those tight spaces like human toothpaste.

After tense hours of crawling and squeezing through dark, incredibly hot tight pyramid spaces, Zoe loses it and urinates in her tight jeans. Now I really felt deep pity for the young woman. The camera momentarily panned on the soaked crotch of her jeans and the puddle of urine on the stone floor. Besides inadvertently providing a thrill for men into that kind of fetish, the humiliation that Zoe is facing is compounded when a greatly irate Dr. Zahi Hawass berates Zoe, "...Zowie...that was very bad...I told you this place is far as I am concerned you are finished can go work in supermarket from now are done." Zoe looks completely devastated. How you like someone to tell you to your face that you're fired and your career is over. I give credit for Zoe's team members being completely mature and sympathetic of the whole situation. In hindsight, Dr. Zahi should have thought to have brought a sealed, porta-bucket with him for these kinds of contingencies. Now I know some people want to call Dr. Zahi Hawass a real *beep* for telling Zoe to go work in a supermarket. I know I should not have laughed but I couldn't help it. I think it was Dr. Zahi's pissed-off state and his accented English insult that made me laugh. Plus, it wasn't me he was insulting. It was someone else. In the English-speaking world we're constantly being bombareded by lectures on political correctness and the consequences to oneself for breaching PC. Well, in Dr. Zahi Hawass' part of the world, they piss (no pun intended) on political correctness and there's noooothinggg us westerners can do anything about it. Ha, ha, ha. How refreshing. I just hope Dr. Zahi has no plans to visit Canada anytime soon. He hasn't exactly endeared himself to Canadians as of that episode. Canadians are extremely proud of their political correctness and aren't going to take it in the shorts from this cranky old *beep* from Egypt.

P.S. why did that young intern male go and tell Dr. Zahi in the 5th level, after all that time and impressing the doctor, that it might have been aliens? A thoroughly stunned Dr. Zahi loses it and yells, "Shut up!" I don't blame him. Ha, ha, ha.


I read a piece once on how to interpret a eulogy. For "he did not suffer fools gladly" read "he was a boor and a bully." That's pretty much how I see Dr. Hawass. Such people may be entertaining at a distance, but in my opinion no distance will ever be great enough to make Hawass charming.

Health reform passed. Is your grandmother dead yet?


Except that these people weren't interns. And they didn't do any archeology either.
Apart from that, there are several egyptologists who are banned from working in Egypt because they dared to disagree with Haw Ass. And they are perfectly fine in their job. For example Joann Fletcher:
(I provide the wikipedia link, I am sure you can do the further searching yourself.)


Did he claim the mummy was Nefertiti without even crediting Fletcher? That would be hysterical.

Health reform passed. Is your grandmother dead yet?


Well, Hawass is caught lying before camera about the sex of this particular mummie. Here are some transcripts, but I also saw the actual footage.
I am sure that had Joann Fletcher contacted Hawass when she concluded her findings, all the world would have known by now this particular mummie as Nefertiti. And of course Hawass would have got all the credit.


Before the "credit" turned to crap. It's almost as if she were playing rope-a-dope with him.

Health reform passed. Is your grandmother dead yet?



The whole spectacle is indescribably painful to me. It's all staged. Zoe didn't take a piss in the fourth upper chamber; the car didn't break down, and none of the discoveries were "just uncovered." The situations for Hawass to react to are all contrived.

The History Channel has achieved a new nadir of suck.

§« The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters. »§

reply are finished here! You can go work in supermarket!

haha that's my favorite quote
