One word - 'Scripted!'

This is some of the worst "acting" I have seen in a while. Documentary my ass!

Are we supposed to believe the camera man really left "Zoe" alone with her ankle stuck under a small rock that he didn't even attempt to push aside for her? Oh PURLEEZE!

Why Zahi Hawass allowed himself to get involved in this travesty is beyond me.


Why someone with such international stature in his field would deliberately participate in something that shows him to be such a tyrant and thus diminish his reputation is beyond me. Maybe he's planning on retiring and turning over full control to someone else and the History Channel paid him a truckload of money to live in luxury the rest of his life. So he sold out. Maybe that's the case.

He reminds me of something my dad said about a brutal professional wrestler many years ago on TV. He said that the guy should be flogged for behaving like that. When he was reminded that the wrestler was just doing an act and that the whole thing was faked, he said then the guy should be lashed for being a fake, too. So even if Hawass is following a script (which I'm sure he is) or we're seeing him as he really is, he deserves the negative repercussions that he is getting.

And if the History Channel would fake this and try to pass it off as authentic, what else have they faked in their years of reporting history?

"Truth is its own evidence." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


I'm going with the selling out answer. I would go on TV and make a fool of myself for a few $million.


I'm not even through to the first commercial break and I can tell that this show is just another pile of faux-reality CRAP!

Zawi Hawass is such a egomaniacal, self-centered publicity whore that I wouldn't doubt for a second that he'd jump at the chance to make himself the action hero center of an alleged "reality" program -even to the point of faking this whole intern,documentary thing in and around these priceless ruins. Notice how in the first minute or two he makes a convenient "discovery" the instant he sets foot inside the tunnel beneath the pyramid? I seriously question whether any serious archaeologist would just pick up such a fragile object in his bare hands and handle it so casually.

The interns and crew are clearly actors (or at least reading prepared lines) and the setup so far is obviously staged.

I have no intentions of following any further episodes and strongly advise others not to waste their time.

"If you don't know the answer -change the question."


agreed. He kept saying "oh we would have never thought we would find this here!" over and over!


no your way off, he got embarrased by the urine situation and felt he had to express his disapproval becuase ultimately hes responsible for everything ancient over there. The fact that hes egyptian also plays a role, for many years he restricted these sites to media because he feels the west are careless with other people's historical findings. The fact he agreed to do this show symbolizes a big change in his mindset, he started opening these sites only recently to hollywood blockbusters even. and then all of a sudden some chick decides to pee on his work.

