MovieChat Forums > Chasing Mummies (2010) Discussion > its like watching a car wreck, i cant tu...

its like watching a car wreck, i cant turn away.

As bad as this show is I can not stop watching it. I have keep watching to see what horrible hack scenario they come up with next. Plus ppl are acting like the History channel is some super high brow place that has never done anything like this before, they have been putting any whack job theorist who will support the view that will get the highest ratings for years.


I agree. I can't wait for the next episode. Dr. Hawass is a fascinating piece of work. I've been interested in his career for years, but never realized what an egomaniac he is until Chasing Mummies. Someone from Egypt said on another board that he has been accused in the past of taking credit for the finds of others. Whatever. How many archaeologists are this famous?


Indy! ; )

The problem with this show is it's just about the latest finds. I'd rather Hawass take the interns to places like the Valley of the Kings, Temple of Ramesses II, Mt Sinai, etc. and talk about those places then mix it in with finding mummies. He gets repetitive.

A show with Hawass doing this would be better than the reality TV trash.

BTW, I met Dr. Hawass last year : )
