I need help

I am at the level were you fight they giant metal hesr the one the man controls anyone know how to best him?

Bond James Bond


Just keep trying, don't be impatient, pick your spots, that's all I can say.


How do you beat the senator?


Same principal. I just hit and run. Make sure you don't make any mistakes when he jumps on top of the wreckage and starts hurling stuff at you. You'll get a bunch of repair nanos from that. He'll go green, absorbing energy, and you can run behind him, cut him inside the box in blade mode, and then do a lot of damage as this stuns him pretty good. Basically just don't get in a hurry. Whole game rewards you for button mashing, basically, and then wants you to slow down at the end. But I never got good at blocking.


I have the Xbox 360 version when he throws the thing what buttons do I press for the NATO thing to come?
