what utter crap

two adult men in their late 30's acting like unruly 13 year olds who take nothing serious is supposed to be humourus? The law is a joke to them.

It makes me cringe.

Their childish behavior makes them jerks, not people one would want to spend time with.

If the show was based on the supporting cast it would have potential however the show revolves around Franklin and Bash and they are the show's weakest aspect.

Just because they save the day at the end of the episode doesn't make them any less of a pair of jerks.



Hahahaha great comeback JPMMILLION.


Totally agree with you, but can't you imagine Franklin and Bash facing off against Michael or Victor? That would be awesome. I love that Franklin & Bash is a comedy. It reminds me a bit of "Psych" on USA.

"Forget reality, give me a picture"-Remington Steele


You said it well JP!!!!!
Dude needs to go to bed earlier, back up into his treehouse!


Alphaboo: Either pay enough attention to the show to know what you're talking about or don't post about it.

Time and again, Franklin and Bash have ben shown that they do care about right and wrong, the law, and their duties. Yes, they are full of antics because they don't take everything else seriously, but every time they have a moral dilemma, they do the right thing so much as they are allowed to by the law. They may be rebellious and immature, but they aren't jerks. An example of what a jerk is might be, oh, I don't know, maybe someone who would come to a message board about a show and complain about what utter crap a show is just to get his own negative opinion out there and not even know what he's talking about.



What's wrong with it is that it lacks class to just post something that you know is just going to rile people up. And I'm not saying he doesn't have the right to post his opinion. But that being said, it also means that I have the right to post my opinion about his behavior too.

And again, as I already stated, if someone is going to make that kind of post, they should at least know what they are talking about. This person did not.


Lets make this simple...go look up the word jerk and see if it says anything about being juvenile, sophomoric, childish. See if it says anything about taking things series.

Your poor grasp of the English language makes you an ignorant tool, not a person one would want to spend time with.


See if it says anything about taking things series.

Your poor grasp of the English language makes you an ignorant tool...
That's just beautiful. Love the irony.

Inadvertently pissing people off since 2008


That is ironic. And funny.

Except auto-correct spelling errors aren't really the same thing as failing to comprehend the basic meaning of a common word like "jerk".


Auto-correct? Series-ly? That's your excuse?

Inadvertently pissing people off since 2008


You win the award for most obtuse tool. Or perhaps you're just trolling.

Most likely both.

Who gives a sh#t about my spelling error? It is completely irrelevant to the point I was making. Being a "jerk" is not the same as being "immature".

You are being a jerk. Now that's ironic.

Furthermore, I'm not sure why you are even commenting since you have not responded to the OP or to the actual point I was making.

So, I won't be reading or responding to anything else you write. Do the world a favor and get back on your meds before posting again.


Awesome. So much fun to watch someone lose control. Go back and check your definition of jerk, compare against your behaviour in this thread. You'll likely find several similarities... but, I know you didn't read this, so I guess you won't (quick, pretend that you didn't click on it to see what I said).

Inadvertently pissing people off since 2008


not people one would want to spend time with.
I would. You assume everyone has your stick in bum attitude. Ironically, part of the stick in bum motif

Its just a silly fun show that a normal person wouldn't take too serious. Taking a silly show too serious is also another clear sign of stick in bum syndrome. As you say nobody would want to spend time with them I think to myself how I wouldn't want to spend time with someone that cant enjoy silly. The irony is oozing here......

Now that I got that out of my system. You are certainly entitled to dislike the characters. Comedy is always going to be subjective. No right or wrong in taste. But I can certainly tell this is not a show or you


99% of tv is utter crap. We watch it to be entertained mostly not to watch for realistic stuff. Go see the Documentary channel for that. Some of their stuff is actually partly true. This show is entertaining. It is a comedy and isn't even trying to be a courtroom drama thank goodness. There is nary a cop or lawyer show that is anything close to true life so who cares. There are way too many of the serious ones anyway for some damn reason. Most people hate lawyers anyway. Maybe that is what this show is; a poke in the eye to all the lawyers out there who think they walk on water.


It is supposed to be off the wall and funny. There are plenty of L&O clones on TV if you want serious(Which I do enjoy). That would be like asking Covert Affairs to be an honest look at the CIA. My goodness,that would be as boring as you can get.


This post is actually the reason why I began watching this show! LOL. People like you make these type of shows even better!


It's an hour of funny TV a week. If you don't like it, CHANGE THE FUC@@@@ CHANNEL. my god, take a pill. To actually take the time and blog about it, you must be a very lonely person, but I don't feel for you!
It,s a funny show, what do you want to see blood and guts on tv 24/7?
Go back into your treehouse.
Some People!

