MovieChat Forums > The Drop (2014) Discussion > Do you think (spoiler)...

Do you think (spoiler)...

...Bob would have killed Deeds if he'd shown up, taken the money for the dog, then left?

"Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?"


No, I think he really was hoping that Deeds would just take the money and leave him, Nadia, and Rocco alone. I don't think he would've bothered to bring all that money in the first place if his first intention wasn't to pay Deeds off. Unfortunately, with the way he was acting at the Bar, it was becoming painfully obvious that Deeds would've just kept getting worse, so Bob decided to do something about it.


No, he intended to kill Deeds the whole time. As he said to Nadia, his kind don't stop, they just keep coming back for more. He knew the only way to be done with Deeds was to eliminate him permanently. I think bringing the 10K in cash was just done to keep up the facade that Bob was a pushover until Deeds learned the hard way that Bob was anything but.


Bob played the not too smart or lethal (opposites of what he was). There was no way to know he was going to kill Deeds that night because he didn't know he was coming. But to be on the safe side he brought the money & gun.

Remember Marv 1st tried to get the other guy (the brother who was still alive) to do the robbery...& when he said no....he killed him with the ole, gotta use 2 hands to close the trunk trick, & we also saw what he had in store for Deeds if the 2nd robbery worked.

But Bob was smart and when he found Marv wasn't going to the bar on super bowl night....he knew to be ready for anything. And we know that Marv had Bob do the dirty work on glory days when he should have done it (of course it shouldn't have been done at all).

But yes, I agree, Deeds probably sealed his fate kidnapping the girl & taking her to the bar and treating her badly. Yes, at some point soon Deeds was a dead man.

And I agree with Bob - when people treat u bad & u let them, they never stop.

Marv - did u eat?

I just thought of something I put in the post before this sentence which could be wrong - but don't want to take all the time to fix it.
