
Chris Vance was pretty much reprising his role from Transporter: The series. He should have been driving an Audi for the car chase though!


Nice to again see charmingly sophisticated CHRIS VANCE of Transporter fame - SWEET! Possible spin off in the works? YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I so hope so!! The start of the episode reminded me of Transported so much:
Looking smart in a suit...Check
Beating up bad guys with slick moves...Check
Adjusting suit after beating up bad guys...Check
Flirting with a beautiful woman...Check


Hurray for getting Chris Vance back in a car! Boo for the ridiculous antics of McGarrett and Danno. Who is paying their salaries? Don't they get docked for all of these out-of-town junkets? Oh, well, any excuse to see the Transporter in action again.

"I used to know things. Now I have to remember them."
