MovieChat Forums > Hawaii Five-0 (2010) Discussion > What's the best and most active HF-0 dis...

What's the best and most active HF-0 discussion board on the net ?

With IMDB stupidly shutting down its message boards (which I assume includes ones for individual TV shows, movies and actors), does anyone know what's the best and most active HF-0 show discussion forum on the net, if there is one.

I'm not really a fan of discussing geek stuff on Facebook and Tumblr - where the set up for discussing stuff is very poorly designed in my opinion, or Reddit - because I also dislike the way it's designed.


I'm hoping to find a new H50/AOL forum too. I hope you get an answer. I tried Reddit but I can't get a feel for the layout, and it seems really slow (not much traffic in the H50 tag). This place was ideal *sigh*


I hope that over in the end. People will rebel against the taking down this board. And going against IMDB. As really they upset the fans!

SB LI is Here!


I just found Fan Forum

They have 2 sub-forums "TV Shows: Present" and TV Shows: Past". Under each sub form, there is a tread for each TV show. I'm guessing if a TV show isn't listed, you can probably get it added.

This is the H50 one




Is it just me or does that fanforum site NOT look user friendly. I suppose it is just a matter of getting used to it. IMDB is so much easier to navigate through 


No, it's not just you, I couldn't work it out either. It's really higgledy piggledy, not in any kind of order and there's too much going on on the page to be able to read and enjoy the comments. I tend to stay away from those kind of forums for this reason. These boards are so much easier to navigate and better on the eye. I like Disqus and Fb comment systems, but this one is my favourite in terms of navigation. These boards are clean and simple.

I was reading the comments over on the NCIS threads and they're making up a board of their own. If anyone here does the same, I'd love to join.


I made a Reddit account yesterday to give it a try because I'm not a fan of forums and Reddit's design seems is easier to navigate. Once I got rid of all the subreddits that Reddit subscribes you to automatically, it's a little better without all the unwanted clutter.

For anyone who's interested, here's the link to the H50 posts There's not much traffic over there now, but hopefully it'll get busier once these boards close.


Thanks passion808. It looks a lot better than that fandom site.


Try this one:

Maybe life is a dream and we wake up when we die?


I've looked at several new boards opening up. It's hard to tell how they will be until people start using them. Here are a couple.

This is one that I've seen posted here on IMDB. It looks like it's been active for awhile and it has hundreds of posters and it has a good format. They have boards for a lot of shows and seem open to creating ones for other shows as well.

Here is the Hawaii Five-0 page.

This is the home page.

This is an older board that developed from the originators of "Mighty Big TV" and "Television Without Pity". The owners are bringing back TV Without Pity sometime this year. But for now '' is good. It has forums and reviews.


I've just come across this new forum It has a pretty simple layout, and we can add our own threads/discussions.

Here is the H50 board
