Yoga Institute

I'm very happy that I finally got to see this. I gave this movie a 6/10.

Just telling it like it is


Can you please explain the ending

why were the other girls at the train station

what did she realize that made her so frightened in the very last scene before the credits


I have the same questions as you, I thought only one of the girls would receive the gift, cant recall the correct name, and the others would remain in the building as tortured souls. When the group arrived screams were heard. I didnt understand how was it that the other girls looked great and I guess she screamed because she saw adds of the yoga school of death in the subway station.



could u explain the ending if u understood that?


There was no gift, that was all a ruse to trick the women. Miss Kahn lived on in the other women. The women's souls were trapped in the yoga place. I think the train station was Miss Kahn haunting the main character.

i hope you choke on your bacardi & coke!
*Team Landa*


There might have been a gift if the yoga-teacher hadn't begin to doubt her duty, but I think that this has nothing to do with kundalini and it gives both yoga and kundalini a bad name. Ahimsa (non-violence) is a basic moral code in yoga, so I guess this is a movie for yoga enthusiasts who find it is definitely a suspense / horror movie than a transformation in beauty. I think it was awesome. Kundalini is not to do with physicality, it is a radical change in consciousness for the ego to be disolved gradually. I have myself been through a kundalini arousal, and all I can say is that miracles do exist in this world, kundalini awakening is a purely scientific subject, because the methods for which to awaken kundalini is practical science.
