MovieChat Forums > Safe House (2012) Discussion > wait, sheik mohammed was waterboarded 18...

wait, sheik mohammed was waterboarded 183 times and never broke

what was with the 30 seconds thing?

torture dont work, proven over and over again.


It's called propaganda.


If that's true, Khalid Shake Shake Shake Mohammed is da bomb.


KSM told the interrogators anything they wanted to hear to get them to stop hurting him. It is one of the primary drawbacks of coercing cooperation via torture. People will say anything to get it to stop.

But no one has any idea what he gave the CIA about Al-Qaeda. Of course he says he gave them nothing, but since his arrest AQ has been decimated, and have been unable to successfully launch any attack on U.S. soil. Maybe coincidence, maybe not.


erm, no that didnt happen, he did talk to fbi interogators and we do know what he said. it was rapport building that got usable intel from him, not the torture. not coincidence, he talked after a grown up actually tried interogating him, but the water boarding got nothing of use.


I'm not disputing your point, but I would like to know what sources you are referring to when you say the FBI got the only actionable intel from him, and not based on torture? KSM says he gave only false info under water-boarding, but the CIA under both Presidents Bush and Obama dispute that.

My point being that every party involved in the interrogations has a reason to lie. Almost everything KSM did or didn't say was heavily classified and unavailable to the public for national security reasons. We know what he has told his lawyers, or what he has said since his trial began in 2008 and was allowed to be viewed by the media, but what he gave up on AQ while he was being held in the CIA's black sites is, as far as I know, largely unknown.

I'm just a layman, and it's possible that I'm off base, so if anyone has credible sources contradicting my understanding I would be greatly interested in reading them.


i cannot find the articles from memory but if you look at other instances like the (in the end false) ricin poison plot etc, the intelligence community are eager to reveal their successes to make the public feel safe, damage enemy morale, secure funding and approval of their methods etc. they have revealed info very quickly to do with osama's execution etc, stuff that tried to make links between iraq and terrorism etc. if theyd had a major success they would reveal at least some of it as soon as the intel was no longer actionable which would be a couple years at most as by then AQ are not going to use any location known to KSM as a precaution, its not like theyd keep risking it until the press confirms he talked. when they are silent but insinuate without evidence they had success, it nearly always in time turns out to be a lot of hot air, you can look at similar events from vietnam and the cold war, the company would let it seem they had almost omniescient capabilities but it later turned out they were often perplexed or down right mistaken. by labeling everything secret it makes it hard to prove they messed up, but if theyd had success stopping an actual attack, or heck even just to justify their use of those techniques and save the reputations of those involved, theyd have released it. the kind of writers on intelligence matters, who probably have reliable sources, whove been right about things in the past tend to think the cia got nothing, and the cia has not shown any evidence that it ever did. it means you can make an educated guess that they got bupkiss that was of any use, some idiots like the former cia chief in the interview from the link above claim they had great results but cant answer what they were. if you are willing to confirm you used waterboarding (a war crime according the US military) and any intel you got would no longer be active, why wouldnt you say what it was? if they said ok we cannot confirm anything, thats one thing, but to confirm committing crimes but not the evidence it was justified, 'just take my word for it', they got bupkiss, anything they could of gotten would be so untrustworthy it would be practically useless as in the past people under enhanced interogation confessed to things that couldnt possibly have happened and it takes so much time and checking to see whats impossible and what is even possible, theyve lost any time advantage of using torture. its why the fbi, mi6, french/canadian/australian/german etc intelligence wont use it, it takes more time and is less reliable. the point of torture/waterboarding, is to force someone to talk against their will, even against their country, their beliefs, their friends, their family. the point is to make anything preferable to the torture carrying on. so people who know nothing but keep getting tortured til they talk make stuff up, they construct sometimes very elaborate detailed accounts of things that never happened, sometimes using real names and locations because they are desperate for it to be believe so they stop being tortured. this is why people have confessed to crimes that happened when they werent in the same country, or name the all the members of their national football team from their childhood as coconspirators, they need names to make it sound good so list of the names from the poster on the bedroom wall growing up. so people with no intel give you tons on useless false intel you have to go check, and people with real intel do the same thing, theyl talk all day and night, just none of it is necersarily true as they want to cause you confusion and delay you in revenge for what you are doing to them. even people who actually want to help and to clear their name end up embelishing details to make it sound better to make it more likely the torture will just stop. its why dictatorships use torture, you can just grab anyone off the street and eventually theyl confess to anything to make it stop and you can make it look like every person you ever arrested was guilty because they all confessed, no mistakes were made, we always get our man etc. a greengrocer can end up 'confessing' to being a bomb maker due to torture, but it makes it more confusing and difficult to weed the real information from the bullsh*t generated by the torture process. KSM could have talked all day to the cia and confessed to everything under the sun without ever once giving them anything real, a single courier, a single weapons cache, a single commander. thats what torture is designed for, to just generate a deluge of 'information' with no distinction between truth and fiction. rapport building works because they are not desperate to embellish, you build trust, you learn their moods and behaviours so you can learn when they are lying and when they are genuinely opening up, as they arent being coerced or just desperate to spit out more words to delay the torture, plus if they get found lying, the trust is broken and they go back to the start. over time they build an almost stockholm syndrome need to please and repay kindness, mutual respect etc and dont want to betray or lose the trust of the interogator, they will even end up giving information they werent asked for to try prove they are now being honest to make up for their deceit earlier in the process, they end up wanting to give more details and will reveal things the interogator missed. they will deny and lie at first but over weeks etc they tend to actually want to be straight with their captor and either say nothing or the truth but they lie less, and less information but all of it true is far better than lots of information with no idea if its 10 or 90% true, not able to truly rely on any of it. playing ping pong with war criminals has gotten far more true information than torture ever has. its what israel used on the likes of eichman, its what the allies used on the nazis, its what the brits used on captive ira men etc and its what the fbi uses far more successfully than what the cia got up to. if they dont get anything reliable, they probably wouldnt have anyway with torture, they have just got lots of misinformation, people smart enough to resist one can resist the other by pretending to give in and telling you half truths.

sorry its not very well written but am in a rush so cant edit


damn Tom, a few spaces between paragraphs and points woukd be nice. I can't tell if you are lucid or loony ... TL, DNR.


its a subject that gets repeated so often youl find the same stuff said elsewhere, and its somewhere between the 2. TS,NDNR

what exactly is the point of replying to a post to say your not replying to the post though?


Torture works on non-pro, but not on pro's.

The point of torture is to make the subject so dissy, that they start mixing up their stories, at that point you can begin to structure the truth. It works.
The problem is if you catch a pro, his story will be melted into his mind, and will be the "truth". My farther in law was dropped behind enemy lines in WW2, and had been under serious isolated training, after which his story had been made a part of him. Even 50 years later, in his aging years, he'd wake up and think he was a different person (a german radio operator). And these people you can't ever torture, because it's specifically under stress that their brain starts the "truth".

So it boils down to the problem that you have no way of knowing if what you caught is a pro or not, and thus... torture as a whole doesn't work.
And people forget, that when you accept the use of torture on anyone, no matter how depraved they may be, you start a slippery slope where the border of "who is it okay to torture" will be subject to alteration/interpretation, and suddenly we wake up and find that cops can torture you for suspicion of a crime.


there is zero serious evidence it works, its non pros who have made false confessions or embellished real events until its confused what happened or not. you get false positives it works because every non pro will end up confessing so it looks they always get the right guy, thats why its used by totalitarian regimes.

if your father in law had of not been trained and he was captured, tortured, and told every detail he really knew, what if they had decided he was still hiding something and kept torturing? he would of started giving details of general pattons exact where abouts, the plans to invade switzerland, the new super weapon that can shoot round corners, hed just keep answering to make it stop with anything that sounded good. when the intel is juicy and they want to believe it they will be reluctant to throw out the most important stuff. now if they go cautiously and stop as soon as they get any kind of answers even an amateur can give false information. so no, where is the evidence it works? by a serious source, not those morons who just want something to be true so say it is.

and again if you assume people who know real important info are pros, even if you thought it worked on amateurs, if they were important enough to train to resist, they werent important enough to know the plans. they might even be allowed to over hear some stuff thats misinformation so if they do get captured they can confuse the enemy, but that still makes torture pointless cruelty. its only value or use would be if it was effective on command level, its not reliable on anyone with an imagination but certainly not that level, so it just doesnt work full stop. what scneario would it be actually useful and reliable?


oh and mixing up their story works in traditional interogation, you build rapport and they lower their guard and let something slip, or what they say is so rehearsed you can start to discount it. thats the point, the stuff that works you can get anyway, the torture part makes them disoriented and they can even confuse real events until the truth sounds like the lie, this is why no one uses it and there have been zero success with torture as has just been confirmed recently.



*eye rolls*


what exactly is the point of replying to a post to say your not replying to the post though?

Constructive criticism. Break your giant block of text into paragraphs next time and maybe someone will actually read it.


apparently people did and im dyslexic i need to concentrate on making it make sense, if people really want to read and have trouble they are welcome to copy paste it somewhere and break it up in chunks themselves, and plenty of people can still read paragraphs longer than tweets.


Defensiveness and excuses is certainly one way to respond to constructive criticism.


ok so dont read posts that arent short, or do if you want to, or heck whatever suits you buddy. oh can you tell how im trying to shield my feelings from your torrent of constructive criticism. most people managed to read it and i have difficulty structuring things, how defensive, but thanks for the oh so witty snarkiness. people used to delving into topics like these tend to still read broadsheets which dont start a new paragraph every 3rd line, and it seems at least a few people replied.


Then hit the enter key and leave a space between every sentence so it's easy to read them. DUH!

tom_grainger88 wrote:

apparently people did and im dyslexic i need to concentrate on making it make sense, if people really want to read and have trouble they are welcome to copy paste it somewhere and break it up in chunks themselves, and plenty of people can still read paragraphs longer than tweets.


Don't even understand what this was, but good for you. Since this thread, it seems what I said has been repeatedly confirmed, the CIA lied, media accepted it without appropriate scrutiny, and movies keep up the fantasy.


184 times? That pleases me very much.


Torture does work. It tramples the line of morality, but it works. Good or bad intel, all they're looking for is the next piece of the puzzle, even bad intel can lead you to good intel.
