A good movie but.....

Not better than Training Day though,as a fan of Washington's work I think Training Day is the best to me, he just took it to another level in TD, but that's what good actors do...


It was on last night in the UK.
I thought the twists were so obvious that it was insulting at times!
The whole CIA leak, you saw the guy playing with his phone the whole time. I thought it was going to be a double bluff, but they went with the simplistic choice.

I knew that wet team was CIA from the first time I saw them.
Not a bad film, I just wasn't impressed with the plot "twists".


The "wet team", are you talking about the agents that delivered Frost to the safe house? I thought they were Vera Farmiga's team.

It's been a while since I've seen it. Enjoyed it though. It was no Training Day or Man on Fire, but it was fun.


I think it has an idealistic ending. There us no way West on would have "gotten away" with leaking the file. Look what happened in REAL LIFE to Edward Sniwden.Like him I r nit, he saw the hypocrisy and did done thing about it. Also, on the fiscal they Nader the director to be like some real tough streetwise guy. No way. The gave a big deal about the rooftop chase scene. It is a joke when you look at someone like David Belle, who invented parkour. Watch District B-13. Better yet, District 13 Ultimatum if you want to see the best stunt guy in the wirld. DAVID BELLE. He us a llegend. Now they have parkour schools you can join, especially in NYC. It is the hardest workout there is. You learn to run and jump huge distsnces. You really really have to be in great sgaoe, and most importantly, know your body and it's limits and a lot of other things.


Man on Fire is one o his best roles too


I don't think Safe House has pretentions to be

... better than Training Day ...
. I think it's just attempting to be a successful, standard, run of the mill, actioner more than any thing else.🐭


Denzel is an amazing actor for sure.One of my favs!

Well, I did enjoy this movie. Kind of far-fetched in many parts, but still entertaining.
There was a lot of action in it.


Ehmmmmm... Most of his movies is better than this: Inside Man, Unstoppable, Man On Fire, DeJaVu, Remember The Titans, Antwone Fisher, American Gangster, 2 Guns, Flight, The Book Of Eli, Taking of Pelham 123, Manchurian Candidate, The Great Debaters, Out Of Time, The Hurricane, Fallen, Philadelphia... Do you need me to go on?

We crash into each other, just so we can feel something.
